Social networks

How To Delete Mail On Mail

How To Delete Mail On Mail

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01 is the largest Russian mail server that allows you to send and receive emails, as well as has many additional services. If necessary, you can delete your mailbox, which is no longer needed. Instructions Step 1 Make sure your internet connection is active

Mail Address: How To Remove It

Mail Address: How To Remove It

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Each of us has an e-mail box. More often than not alone. Sometimes it is necessary not only to create, but also to delete a mailbox. However, it takes a long time to get to the desired page on your own. Here is a quick guide: how to delete your mailbox on the mail

How To Delete A Mailbox On Without A Password

How To Delete A Mailbox On Without A Password

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Some users of the service who have become victims of a hacked mailbox or simply forgot their password, want to get rid of their account. And they do not succeed, because it is impossible to delete the box without knowing the password

How To Create Your Dating Site

How To Create Your Dating Site

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Dating sites are very popular among people between 18 and 60 years old, so they can be very profitable for their owners. In addition, in many ways, the site is filled free of charge by the users themselves, posting profiles, leaving notes, comments, photographs and other materials

How To Create Your Website With A Forum

How To Create Your Website With A Forum

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Sites that have a forum are visited by users much more often than others. This is explained by the fact that people are more willing to go to sites where you can not only find any information, but also discuss it with other people, get an answer to a question of interest, or, on the contrary, give advice

How To Make A Free Chat

How To Make A Free Chat

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Not so long ago, internet chats were very popular. For all their shortcomings, they were one of the first forms of organizing dynamic online communication. Later chats were supplanted by other means. They were replaced by Internet pagers (ICQ, MSN Messenger, various Jabber clients) and forums, which by that time began to withstand quite heavy loads

How To Enter The Site If It Is Blocked By The Administrator

How To Enter The Site If It Is Blocked By The Administrator

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

When using the Internet in an Internet cafe, as well as in the workplace, you can often encounter restrictions such as the prohibition to view certain sites blocked by the administrator. To work around this limitation, use one of several simple methods

What Are The Site Requirements To Install Yandex.Direct On It

What Are The Site Requirements To Install Yandex.Direct On It

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

The Yandex Advertising Network will allow owners of high-quality sites to earn money by placing ads on the site's pages. However, not all sites are successfully moderated in Yandex the first time. The Yandex.Direct advertising network imposes fairly strict requirements on sites and may even reject a site without giving any reason

How To Make An Account An Administrator

How To Make An Account An Administrator

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

The problem of assigning administrator rights to a user account is specific to the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system, since the built-in elevated Administrator account is disabled in it by default. Instructions Step 1 Log on to the system with the administrator account created during OS installation, and open the context menu of the "

How To Enter The Site If You Are Blocked

How To Enter The Site If You Are Blocked

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

When searching for information on the Internet, there are often cases of windows about blocked addresses. This means that your provider or administrator has blocked certain resources for reasons of security, morality, or by mistake. When requesting access to this site, the proxy server refuses, and as a result you see the "

How To Turn Off Site Blocking

How To Turn Off Site Blocking

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

When using the Internet at your workplace, you may encounter blocking of sites that, for whatever reason, are closed by a proxy server. In this case, you can use one of several simple methods. Instructions Step 1 The most popular way is to use the anonymizer service

How To Unblock A Page

How To Unblock A Page

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

For many Internet users, the VKontakte website has already become, one might say, a second home. A huge number of people at least once a day must visit their page on this social network. As a rule, users are very sensitive to their page and do their best to protect them from spam and other troubles

How To Make Money Online In Ukraine

How To Make Money Online In Ukraine

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Today more and more people prefer to make purchases in online stores, news about the success of Internet projects, as well as those who have made their fortune online, constantly come. But if there are very few Internet tycoons, both in the whole world and in Ukraine, then there are more and more people who live only to earn money on the Internet every day

What Tools Are In Paint

What Tools Are In Paint

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Microsoft Paint is a program for creating drawings as well as editing existing images. In addition to the ability to paste a picture from the clipboard, resize and rotate it, this graphics editor is equipped with many tools for drawing and adjusting

How To Create A Website Yourself

How To Create A Website Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Website development is a rather serious and responsible process. To begin with, you need not only to come up with a website theme and decide on a design, but also to solve many technical issues. Website from scratch There are several options for creating a website yourself

How To Create Your Website For Free

How To Create Your Website For Free

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Today the World Wide Web has become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Thousands of websites are created every day, where millions of people meet, work, study and make deals. The World Wide Web is a whole world with a clear hierarchy of users and a gateway to this world is your website

How To Permanently Delete A Page In Odnoklassniki Without Restoring

How To Permanently Delete A Page In Odnoklassniki Without Restoring

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

It will not be difficult to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki, but before doing this, you need to think carefully. Your personal data, photos, contacts, correspondence and other information will permanently disappear. How to permanently delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a computer To create an account again, you will have to re-edit your profile, add photos, friends, and so on

The Most Popular Social Networks In Russia

The Most Popular Social Networks In Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

With the development of the Russian Internet, a large number of social networks have appeared, allowing users from all over the world to communicate with each other directly in the browser window. Among all sites, there are several resources that are most widespread due to competent marketing and functionality

How To Increase Download Speed In Opera

How To Increase Download Speed In Opera

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Are you not satisfied with the speed of the Internet and have you decided to change the provider? Do not hurry! With a few tips, you can dramatically increase your download speed. Nowadays most of the users are complaining about the slow internet speed

How To Delete A Search Result

How To Delete A Search Result

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Site search history is saved in your browser, but you can delete it using the appropriate settings. Which - depends on the browser installed on your computer. Instructions Step 1 So, to delete the search history from the browser "

How To Change The VKontakte Theme Using The Opera Browser

How To Change The VKontakte Theme Using The Opera Browser

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

The social network VKontakte has a very impressive functionality. But, unfortunately, the design of the social network is minimalistic and not very variable. If you are tired of seeing the site in traditional blue and white colors, then it's time to change the VKontakte theme

How To Develop A Vkontakte Group For Free

How To Develop A Vkontakte Group For Free

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Good advertising of the Vkontakte group is one of the components of success in its development. Correctly presenting information for new visitors and attracting more subscribers is the main task of the administration of public pages. To do this, there are a few simple tricks to look out for when building a community

How To Develop The VKontakte Group

How To Develop The VKontakte Group

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

In the social network "VKontakte" every day a lot of communities of various orientations are created. They are created to achieve various goals. It can be communication, advertising, a platform for business development, and much more

How To Promote A VKontakte Group

How To Promote A VKontakte Group

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

You can promote a group in a contact using different methods. Now you can only invite people from your friends list to it, which is not always convenient. Nevertheless, you should not give up on what you have planned. You need to choose an acceptable method based on material capabilities and your own desires

How To Advertise A Vkontakte Group

How To Advertise A Vkontakte Group

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

If you have created a group (community) "Vkontakte", you need to make sure that as many people as possible know about it (unless, of course, this is some kind of private group "for friends"). There are several ways to do this - paid and free

How To Post News On The Site

How To Post News On The Site

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

The development of information technology has led to the rapid development of the Internet, on the vastness of which dozens, and maybe hundreds, of news resources are registered daily, which constantly require fresh news. What made the profession of a journalist very popular

How To Equip Your Website

How To Equip Your Website

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

A modern website can no longer be imagined without interactive content, personalization tools, RSS, and integration with social services. Many convenient and useful features allow resources to attract and retain users. Therefore, every novice web-master asks how to equip his site in accordance with the latest trends in the field of web technologies

How To Pay For Your Website

How To Pay For Your Website

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

A paid site is always created to generate income, and it is hosted on paid hosting. Usually content or part of it is sold on such sites - this is their difference from online stores. There are several ways to pay for your website. Instructions Step 1 Contextual advertising

How To Create A Website From Scratch

How To Create A Website From Scratch

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

The question of how to create a website from scratch is relevant today for many Internet users. There are two ways to create your own website, one of which is free, the other, in turn, involves paying for certain services. It is necessary Internet access, appropriate software, free domain and hosting

How To Send Mail From The Site

How To Send Mail From The Site

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

On some sites, instead of specifying e-mail addresses, they post feedback forms. Using this form, you can send an email to the administration directly from the site. And in order to be able to receive a response, in one of the fields of this form you will need to specify your own email address

How To Create A Template For Joomla

How To Create A Template For Joomla

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

The content management system of the site "Joomla" allows you to choose a design style from a database of ready-made templates, and create your own style and apply it to your site. What is a template and what does it consist of The Joomla template is a collection of files with code, images and icons, which by default is located in the / templates folder

How To Remove Ignore

How To Remove Ignore

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

The result of a conflict or even an exchange of controversial opinions with a user of a website or forum can be ignored. In this case, this person voluntarily refuses to read your messages and posts in the forums. How can this situation be corrected?

How To Upload A Photo To A Dating Site

How To Upload A Photo To A Dating Site

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Today, there are many dating sites on the Internet where some people find a mate for a while, and others for a lifetime. But in order to be interested in you, personal data alone is not enough, you need to upload a personal one. It is necessary - registration on a dating site

What To Do If Your Account Is Blocked

What To Do If Your Account Is Blocked

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Often, Internet users are faced with the problem of banning their account. The situation is unpleasant, moreover, sometimes it seriously interferes with some kind of activity. What steps should be taken to get the admins to unblock your page?

How To Unblock The Moore Club

How To Unblock The Moore Club

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Various chat rooms have become very popular as a means of communication on the Internet. They can exist on their own or be part of a project (for example, Mail.Ru chat). Communication in each chat is subject to its clearly established rules, and if they are violated, access to the offending user may be denied

How To Log In To Your Email Address

How To Log In To Your Email Address

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Email is the ability to receive and transmit data over the Internet. Registration of a personal account today offers many resources located on the network. But the leaders in the number of established mailboxes on the Runet are rightfully such giants as Yandex

How To Create A Dating Profile

How To Create A Dating Profile

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

In all ages, people have diligently searched for their soul mate. Time passes, and the methods of searching change dramatically. Today you will hardly see a guy running with a flower after a girl in the park. But the number of young, and not very young, people sitting at their computers in the hope of finding their life partner is beyond counting

How To Create Your Own Pages

How To Create Your Own Pages

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Web pages are the most common service. It's pretty simple to make it. You can use various portals, ready-made services and specialized programs. The easiest way to create pages is with Microsoft Word. Instructions Step 1 Every web page starts with a tag

How To Create Pages On Your Site

How To Create Pages On Your Site

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Many novice webmasters are interested in how to create pages for their sites. It's easy to create a page on your site when you use the popular and easy-to-use Dreamweaver software, which makes it easy to create and structure websites. In this manual, we will tell you how using this program you can create any page you need

How To Host A Finished Website

How To Host A Finished Website

Last modified: 2025-01-23 15:01

Most of the sites in the process of their creation are not made on the Internet itself, but on the local computers of webmasters and only after the final completion of all work are transferred to the network. This mode is justified from the point of view of saving network traffic and ease of use, since it is protected from network failures and crashes