A paid site is always created to generate income, and it is hosted on paid hosting. Usually content or part of it is sold on such sites - this is their difference from online stores. There are several ways to pay for your website.

Step 1
Contextual advertising. This is an advertisement that is placed on your site and is related to its content. It is placed in the form of HTML-code. An advertisement in a block is the same as the text on the page on which it is located. In this case, you will earn through clicks on the links that will be made by visitors to this site. The main services of the direction: Google AdSense, Begun and Yandex Advertising Network.
Step 2
Selling links. Links are bought on the main and internal pages of the site. They are usually sold through forums and other designated places, for example, through special exchanges for selling and buying links. fatlink.ru, clx.ru, setlinks.ru is a list of popular services for selling links from the main page. Links on internal pages are sold through special services or directly. But selling directly is not profitable, since the price for one link is very low - $ 0.01-2. And it takes too long to collect such a small amount from everyone. Therefore, they are usually sold through special services: seozavr.ru, sape.ru, xap.ru. the main thing here is setting the codes and prices for the link.
Step 3
Media advertising. There are non-standard formats: TopLine, Rich-Media and Pop-Under. They are the most sought after and progressive by advertisers. The Rich-Media format module is a small flash advertising video. It contains a script for interactive communication with a client. Such advertising is demonstrated by visiting pages with this code, it is located above the entire content of the page. Pop-Under is a separate window, it opens with a browser page. The main advantage of this ad is that it does not take up space on web pages. A module of this advertisement can be images or various videos. TopLine is a banner that is most often located at the top of the screen. It does not violate the design of the site, but rather forms an organic advertising space. The main service for this type of advertising is adgravity.ru.