One day, that unpleasant moment may come when, having entered your favorite, home site, you are perplexed to find instead of the familiar pages the inscription "There is information that this web page is attacking computers!".
What to do in such a case?

First of all, you should contact the technical support of your hosting provider: write a letter with a request to find out the reason for the blocking. If your site is commercial and you are losing potential buyers every minute, then it is better to speed up the process of finding out - call the hoster's technical support.
Also, you should go to the site control panel and through the file manager carefully check if there have been any recent changes to the site pages (view files with the extensions.htm,.html or.php).
There are two main reasons why your site has been blocked by search engines:
1. You yourself have accidentally introduced some malicious code on the pages of the site. Sometimes, to decorate and revitalize a project, you have to insert dynamic scripts for galleries, feedback forms, sliders, etc. Since we almost always take ready-made scripts, finding them on the Internet, there is a high probability that you downloaded and installed some file into which an unscrupulous creator deliberately injected malicious code.
2. If you have not made any changes recently, then another reason for blocking the site may be
penetration of an intruder-hacker into the file system of your resource in order to install an exploit
(malicious code, the purpose of which may be to inject Trojans onto the computers of your website visitors). This will require the prompt intervention of a specialist hosting provider.
In any case, this problem is quite solvable and easy to implement. Most likely, your ISP will install a clean site backup, a so-called "backup". However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that when entering from the search engines, the visitor will still see the warning message for some time. Everything will return to normal after the first visit to the site pages by a search robot, for Yandex such a robot comes to the site at least once a week, for Google more often - once every one or two days.