The Erlenberg map is one of the oldest maps in the World of tanks game. Most recently, the map was fundamentally altered due to the lack of active action on the part of both teams.

Erlenberg is one of the most disliked cards in the game. Why? All this happened due to the fact that the role of artillery on the battlefield was weakened and, in connection with this, the number of tank destroyers began to grow in battle. All this made the gameplay on this map boring and dull.
The developers decided to fix this by transferring the bases and a small alteration of the relief: they added several new houses, lowered the mountains. Indeed, the first time the game was brisk and exciting: one team rode on one side, collided with the other, i.e. everyone was happy with the new card. However, after some time, a bad tendency was outlined in Erlenberg: one team rode in a crowd on its side, leaving no one to the other; the other team also rode in a crowd on one side and also left no one on the other flank. Ultimately, the teams were located each on its own flank. So we got the same type of game on this map again. What to do? How to deal with this?
Combat tactics:
If you see a lot of platoons in your team, a lot of strong players, then the best option would be to take the enemy attack where there will be the greatest amount of enemy equipment. To do this, you occupy comfortable positions, you place tank destroyers, drive the artillery to a safe place and competently, carefully, begin to destroy enemy tanks on one and thus win the battle.
However, if you see that the team does not want to help you and is moving along one flank, and you assume that all the enemy equipment will be on the other, then the tactic of "shooting from the center" is perfect here. That is, you occupy the center of the map on a medium tank, highlight yourself and fire back at enemy vehicles. Thus, in every possible way, you prevent opponents from safely attacking and consolidating on the flank. We draw a conclusion: on Erlenberg, who controls the center, he most often wins the battle.
Many players, having gone to one flank and not meeting enemy tanks there, begin to roll over the bridge to the opposite flank. This is a gross mistake, because as soon as you roll over the bridge, you will immediately find yourself surrounded by enemies. You should also not take the base on Erlenberg due to the fact that it is shot from almost all sides by enemy tanks.