How To Find Tools In STALKER

How To Find Tools In STALKER
How To Find Tools In STALKER

In S. T. A. L. K. E. R. at the location "Zaton" and the station "Yanov" there are master gunsmiths who sometimes produce unique upgrades of weapons and equipment. Unfortunately, improvements can only be accessed by providing the wizards with the necessary tools. Where to find them is perhaps one of the main questions of this game.

A treasured set of third-level tools
A treasured set of third-level tools

It is difficult to imagine a real conqueror of the Zone, whose barrel and equipment have not been improved to a high level. The necessary upgrades can be made by the Nitrogen and Cardan techniques, but only on condition that you supply them with the tools necessary for their work. Each location has two locations where tool kits for rough and fine work and calibration can be found.

At the location "Zaton"

In order to find tools for rough work, the player must get to the sawmill. You don't have to deal with the destruction of three dozen zombies constantly lurking there, but survey the surroundings through binoculars and pave a route to a dilapidated building next to the truck. You need to climb to the attic of this workshop along the ladder inside one of the rooms, along the way, silently destroying the monsters. The tools are on the table.

A set for fine work is available in the workshops of the substation. On the main quest line, the player knows that a group of mercenaries is located there. You can go on the warpath, or you can bring the soldiers six units of any food. The tools are on a box under a canopy in the courtyard on the side of the western concrete fence.

At the location "Neighborhood of Jupiter"

To the south of the Concrete Pit anomaly there is a workshop building, into the attic of which the player must climb if he wishes to find a set for rough work. You can climb up the stairs and, armed with bolts and a detector, proceed through the cluster of anomalies to the opposite wall, where there is a metal cabinet. It contains the coveted set.

Following to the southwest along the railway line going from the Yanov station, the player will reach an abandoned train with a drifting anomaly inside. You can get inside the train through a hatch in the roof of a neighboring car. You need to jump from the bridge to the roof of the train, wait for the anomaly to reach the end of the carriage and turn around, then jump off and follow it to the vestibule between the cars. Next, you should skip the anomaly past yourself in the opposite direction and, running along the first carriage, grab the box with tools for fine work, lying on the last seat on the left side, then quickly retreat through the window in the vestibule.

At the location "Pripyat"

In Pripyat, there are two sets of calibration tools, the Sych NPC can give hints to caches. The first one is located in the basement of a department store, which must be entered from the front side. Opposite the broken showcase there is a double door, opening it, the player must proceed from room to room to the stairs to the basement. You can follow the crowd of jerboas without shooting them, rushing into the basement and stopping in front of every necessary door. Immediately after the descent, you need to pay attention to the only illuminated corner in which the first box lies on the pile of rubbish.

The second set of tools is located in the building of the old OBE. Through a hole in the wall, the player gets to the first floor and follows through the hall with anomalies to a flight of stairs on the opposite side of the building. Having risen to the second floor, the hero must be ready to repel the attack of the burer and go to the next room, where a set of calibration tools lies on a rack cluttered with boxes.
