How To Make Music On The Site

How To Make Music On The Site
How To Make Music On The Site

Table of contents:


Text messages remained the main method of transmitting information on the web. The main one, but not the only one. In the design of sites, other media are still important: decoration, attachments of photos and pictures, videos and music. A number of online services provide sites to install free players to broadcast music from the site. Here are two examples.

How to make music on the site
How to make music on the site


Step 1

Go to the site control panel, open the file manager. Upload there the music that you are going to play from your site. Click on the first track in the proposed list and copy the link.

Step 2

On the page on the first link under the article, select "Flash mp3 player". Next, decide on the design of the future player and click the “Continue” button. A table with two columns appears on a new page. In the first, insert the link, in the second, enter the name of the musician and the title of the piece.

Step 3

Select the second track in the list, copy the link to it, paste in the same way. Complete the entire playlist and click the “Continue” button.

Step 4

Copy the HTML code under the included player, save it in a notepad. Go to the site control panel, then to the design management.

Step 5

In the global blocks, click the Add Block command and name it PLAYER. Paste the HTML code into the block, save the settings.

Step 6

Go to the global settings and copy the code under the “PLAYER” label (it will look like this: “$ GLOBAL_PLAYER $”). Go to the "Site page editor" tab and define the location of the player by placing the code in the appropriate section.

Step 7

Activate the "Additional field No." in the site settings. If there is no such option, use the "Material Source" command.

Step 8

Go to the second link under the article and download the player to your computer, then upload it and the style file to the site in the file manager.

Step 9

Copy the code of the player from the source. Insert into the template "Pages of material and codes to it"

Step 10

Find the code $ MESSAGE $. Behind it, in any place, paste the code from the illustration. Save the settings, check the player.
