How To Send Your Video By Mail

How To Send Your Video By Mail
How To Send Your Video By Mail

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Problems with transferring large amounts of data over the Internet are now a thing of the past. Mail services now provide the ability to easily and conveniently send large video files.

How to send your video by mail
How to send your video by mail


Step 1

The most convenient and fastest way to send your video by mail is to use the cloud technology. The Yandex. Disk service is considered a convenient "cloud". First of all, register a mailbox on this server, and if you have one, then in the mail window immediately go to the "Disk" tab.

Step 2

Upload your video to virtual storage. Please note that the initial version of Yandex. Disk provides up to 10 GB free of charge. Therefore, the video you want to send must not exceed this size.

Step 3

After your video file is uploaded to the server, click on it with the mouse and enable the "Public link" in the bottom panel. The generated unique link will appear in the lower window. Copy it and send it to your friends. Don't be intimidated by the title, the video will be publicly available only to those who have this link.

Step 4

An alternative option is to use the same cloud drive, but already in the vastness of Google. The disk of this service works in the same way, but it provides only 5 GB of free free memory, which is two times less than on Yandex.

Step 5

If you do not have an email address on Google or Yandex, and there is no time to register, then the world-famous video hosting Youtube will help you with the solution of the problem. Register or log into your account on the website ( Once you're on your page, upload a new video. Once downloaded, you will be provided with a link. Save it and send it to the recipient. Only those who have the link will have access to the video.

Step 6

Another cloud technology is Dropbox. You do not need to start mail on this server, just register and install the program client on your PC. Dropbox has only 2 GB of free public access.
