The computer game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" offers the player not only fierce shootings, exploration of abandoned cities, but also a good detective line. In this case, the main character will have to work not so much with a machine gun as with his head in order to bring the enemy out into the open.

Search for Soroka on the "Zaton"
Having started the game and having entered the Skadovsk, go up to the medic's cabin. There you will see a wounded stalker on the operating table and a few more battered stalkers around. Talk to them to find out what happened to their group.
During the conversation, the group commander will tell you that they are stalker hunters. During the raid on the mutants, they took a newcomer with them, who abandoned the group, which led to such losses. After that, you will receive a quest to find the Magpie from the stalker Gonta and you will be able to ask other characters about him.
Ask about the Forty inhabitants of Skadovsk, but from their answers it will be difficult to establish the current location of the traitor, so go to the main merchant of information among stalkers - Sych. Having described Soroka to him, for a certain fee it will be possible to find out that a stalker suitable for the description was seen at the Jupiter location at the Yanov station.
To go to a new location, complete the task of finding maps for the Pilot, as well as the Beard's quest to find poisonous gas to destroy the lair of bloodsuckers.
Search for Magpies on Jupiter
Having reached the Yanov station, go to the buffet and look around. Your attention may be attracted by a talkative stalker from the "Freedom" clan named Flint, who tells suspiciously familiar things about the destruction of the lair of bloodsuckers.
When you get comfortable enough at the location "Jupiter" and manage to find the legendary "Oasis", return to the station "Yanov" again. The story of who and how found this anomaly, you will learn everything from the same Flint, who is sitting at the station without getting out. After another ascribing your merit to himself, he will mention that he single-handedly pulled out all the artifacts from the quarry near the station. To bring the liar to clean water, go there.
Roam the anomalies until you hear cries for help. After running on them, you will see the dying stalker Sliver. With his last effort, he will tell you about the stalker from the Freedom clan who betrayed him and threw him to death, hiding with all the artifacts found.
Return to Yanov Station and ask Flint about how he got the artifacts in the quarry and whether he left Sliver to die.
Frightened, Flint will threaten the protagonist, talking about his coolness. When he mentions that he personally killed the chimera monster, which was destroyed by Gonta's group, doubts will disappear - you have found the stalker Soroka, hiding under the name Flint.
Now you can hand over Flint-Magpie for reprisal to the Freedom clan or the Duty clan hostile to them. In addition, you can inform the stalker-hunters of Gonta about it, who gave you this quest.