"S. T. A. L. K. E. R.: Call of Pripyat" is a computer game, the plot of which is to find the reasons that led to the accident of five helicopters performing a special operation called "Fairway". All events take place in Pripyat - a city on the river, three kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

A mission to find a mysterious place with a large number of artifacts called "Oasis" is given by Professor Ozersky to confirm or refute the rumor that the legendary "Oasis" exists in the "Exclusion Zone". After finding it, you need to make sure whether the "Heart of the Oasis" actually exists - an artifact that, according to legend, was formed in this place.
Search for "Oasis"
Having received the task, you should go to the Ventilation complex at the location at the Yanov station, the entrance of which is located in the southern direction from the bunker of scientists, near the railway.
Locations: Zaton, the vicinity of Jupiter at the Yanov station, Pripyat, Pripyat-1, Laboratory X-8. These places must be passed in order to find out the reasons that failed the operation "Fairway".
Next, you need to move inside the room and shoot the zombie stalkers that come across the player on the way. Descending underground, you need to destroy the mutated "Tushkans". Then you should go according to the map - in the direction of the ventilation complex. After that, the player is presented with a room with columns, where a teleport is installed.
If you follow directly between the columns, at the exit the teleport will return to the beginning of the room. To go further, you need to run this way four times in different rows between the columns. Overcoming them, a glow appears, reminiscent of falling snow, while electrical impulses can be heard. When the radiance appears in all four columns, you need to pass successively into the formed luminous arches. As a result of the actions taken, the teleport is disabled.
Behind the pillared room is a high-ceilinged hall. In the ceiling you can see a huge gap through which the sky is visible. In the center of the hall there is a small puddle, entering into which you can restore health. Nearby, on the vines, the player finds the "Heart of the Oasis" artifact.
Artifact "Heart of the Oasis"
After the "Heart of the Oasis" becomes the player's prey, a pseudo-dog appears, which creates a phantom duplicate, causing physical damage. The doubles disappear upon hitting them, and the "original" is on the sidelines and sometimes attacks. Having repulsed, it is necessary to climb the metal stairs upward and get out through the gap in the ceiling.
"Heart of the Oasis" is a unique neoplasm on anomalous vegetation, which is a green ball in a white sphere. The artifact satisfies hunger, increases stamina, improves health and stops bleeding.
The "Heart of the Oasis" artifact is very radioactive, without the "Bubble" artifact, a large amount of antirad or vodka, it makes no sense to keep it, so you should take it to Professor Ozersky's bunker and get a monetary reward - seven thousand.