The exoskeleton is one of the most expensive costumes in the Stalker series. As a rule, it appears towards the end of the game, when the player encounters especially dangerous monsters and stalkers. The game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" was no exception, but the ways of obtaining the exoskeleton have changed significantly.

A simple exoskeleton can be obtained at the beginning of the game. To do this, first of all, reach Skadovsk and talk to its inhabitants. Find the leader of the stalkers named Beard and ask for a job. From the proposed take the quest "Strange glow". Go to the dredger and take from there the artifact that Beard is looking for.
Now a new quest "Tempting Business" will open. To complete it, search the caches and corpses of stalkers to find 3 improved artifact detectors. After finding them, move to the next location - the Yanov station and give the detectors to the scientists.
Return to Skadovsk and talk to the leader of the bandits Sultan. Take the "Dark Business" quest from him. After that, go in search of a stalker named Noah, who lives on an abandoned ship. Take the Compass artifact from him and take it to the Sultan.
Now you have enough money and reputation to turn to another inhabitant of Skadovsk - Shustrom. It can be found on deck 3, in one of the cabins. After talking with him, place an order for armor protection and pay an advance. That being said, remember that Nimble brings items at random. By placing this order, you can receive an exoskeleton, overalls or reinforced body armor. If he did not deliver the exoskeleton to you right away, he can bring it to you on 2 or 3 orders.
Wait for Nimble's return and take the exoskeleton from him, paying the rest of the amount.
Another option to purchase an exoskeleton is to complete quests and get artifacts in order to accumulate 100,000 rubles. After that, the merchant Sych, who lives on the 2nd deck of Skadovsk, will offer you an expanded assortment of goods, including an exoskeleton.
Exoskeleton "Freedom"
Despite the fact that in the game the groupings "Bandits", "Mercenaries", "Duty" and "Monolith" use their exoskeletons, the player can only get a regular exoskeleton (used by stalkers) and an exoskeleton "Freedom".
To get the exoskeleton of this clan of stalkers, during the quests of the Beard, get a PDA from the Debt group merchant named Morgan. At the Yanov station, near the cooling tower, investigate the spatial anomaly and take Tkachenko from one of the discovered bodies. Give the found PDA to the leader of "Freedom" - Loki.
Find the Rogue group and convince them to join the "Freedom" group, then, having met the scientists, convince them to entrust the protection of the scientific bunker to Loki's fighters. For this you will receive the achievement "Friend of Freedom", after which the members of this group will become your allies, and their merchants will reduce prices for the player.
After completing this achievement, head to a merchant named Hawaiian. Among its products, buy the Freedom exoskeleton, which is lighter, more durable and runnable than a regular exoskeleton.