Raising the thematic citation index is one of the key tasks of any webmaster, and for a reason. After all, it is on the TIC indicator that the earnings of the owner of the site or blog depend a lot. But many novice webmasters are faced with a problem: where to increase the TIC, and even free? And when they come across offers to raise the TIC for free on any website or service portal, they doubt: is it possible to do this? After all, there are some ways to supposedly raise the TIC, which will actually do a disservice.

Step 1
Run the site through catalogs and message boards - both paid and free (i.e. on your own). If you do it for a fee, you will lose money, and with your own hands - invaluable time. Yandex has not attached much weight to such links for a long time, since directories and boards in its eyes look like an ordinary dump. And who will give a lot for a thing (in this case, a link) from a landfill? In addition, a link explosion (that is, the emergence of a large number of links to a specific site in a short period of time) is considered by Yandex as an attempt to artificially promote its site (which, however, it is) and is punished by imposing various filters on such a site., up to the ban.
Step 2
Spam in comments - Spam never leads to anything good. I personally have not met a single webmaster who does not fight uncompromisingly with him. So, even if you find a good site with the ability to comment, not closed with nofollow tags, do not rush to scribble a lot of comments on it, leaving a link in each. Write one meaningful comment, wait until it is moderated (if there is moderation), write a second one, and only then can you put a link, and preferably of the form: "And I found another site on the topic, everything is clearly written."
Step 3
Flooding on forums is like spamming blogs and websites. It is better to register, leave a few meaningful and detailed comments, and only then put a "killer" comment with a backlink to your site. The main thing is to make sure that both the site and the forum are thematic, otherwise such a link is worthless.
Step 4
You cannot put links in bulk - i.e. you cannot initiate a reference explosion (see above for what it is). Moreover, the way the link explosion occurs for Yandex does not matter at all.
Step 5
To create a network of satellites or doorways - Yandex, in principle, has already learned how to calculate such networks, and they do not have the same meaning. This kind of gray optimization is already out of date. If you decide to make a high-quality site for people (SDL is a site for people, another slang word), then there is no point in risking resorting to such promotion methods.
Step 6
To resort to other methods of "black optimization" - to use "invisible" to the eye of users links, redirects, etc. Any deception will eventually be exposed and negatively affect your site. It's best to run your internet business (like any other business) honestly. And then the financial inspector and the investigator will come … That is, the filter and the ban.