How To "VKontakte" Delete All Friends At Once

How To "VKontakte" Delete All Friends At Once
How To "VKontakte" Delete All Friends At Once

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Social networks open up great opportunities for the user, but they also impose responsibility for the actions committed. With a few clicks of the mouse, you can “frend” many friends, but later it is easy to repent of what you have done. And it is not so easy to fix the situation.

There are never many friends
There are never many friends

On the Internet, a lot is done either very easily and quickly, or very difficult and slow. Half measures also occur, but usually not when you need to fix the situation as soon as possible. This is especially evident in the work of social networks. Evening "friends search" often ends with morning global "cleansing".

Insecure way

It is well known that additional programs that users download to improve the functionality of VKontakte are fraught with a lot of dangers. From viruses that steal your logins and passwords, to advertising spam, which is proliferating on the network. Nevertheless, if you are willing to take the risk and get a quick solution to "friendly problems", there is a way out.

A small program VkBot is designed just for the "general cleaning" of friends. You need to download it, install it and log in with your username and password. Next, you should click on the "Profile" button in it, then "Friends" and find the link "Remove all friends". One click of the mouse will solve the problem.

The program has rich possibilities. You can delete all friends, select certain criteria, eliminate a sent request, import friends from a file, export a list of other people's friends, or simply notify when your friend has appeared on a social network.

Also, the so-called scripting option belongs to the unsafe methods. Select "My friends", copy a special script into the address bar. It is done!

Now, if you are lucky enough not to catch a virus, you can again "friend" everyone.

Safe way

If you do not consider the classic case with the constant choice of a friend, clicking on "Remove from friends" and so on, then there is one, say, extreme way, when all problems with the "friend list" are solved once and for all.

To do this, you just need to delete your own page. There is no account of VKontakte - no problem if you paraphrase a well-known saying. You will immediately free up a lot of time for more useful, interesting and correct things in the real world. And the way is not comic, as it may seem. This is exactly what many users do, instantly solving all their problems.
