A new smartphone is not a reason to give up your favorite and comfortable habits. Most of the software developers have taken care that users can transfer any useful information from the old phone to the new one. The Whatsapp application (WhatsApp) is no exception and offers to easily restore your correspondence after changing your mobile device.

Smartphones with the same operating systems
To transfer information from one smartphone to another, use the backup function. This method is suitable if both of your phones are running the same operating system.
For an android-based smartphone, open the WhatsApp application, find the menu in the upper right corner of the screen and select the "Settings" item. Next, go to the "Chats" section, then "Chats backup". Click the "Backup" button and save all chats from the application to Google Drive. We download whatsapp to a new device. During the installation process, the application will prompt us to sign in to your Google account. Next, the "Restore chat history" dialog box will appear, press confirmation, and the correspondence will open along with the program.
In the case of replacing one iPhone with another, a similar scheme applies. Only the backup will be stored in your iCloud account. To get started, open the "Settings" option on your iPhone, select the iCloud section and check your account. The WhatsApp app must be enabled and available. Download it and find "Settings", then "Chats and calls", and then "Copy". Now we install whatsapp on the new iPhone, activate our account on the iCloud service. When the application prompts you to restore data, you agree and you will soon see your correspondence from your old iPhone.
Smartphones with different operating systems
The most difficult situation is when you change your phone from Android to iPhone or vice versa. In this case, automatic backups are indispensable, since Google Drive and iCloud accounts are not linked in any way. It is necessary to look for other ways. For example, download and install on your computer a special program for solving this problem Backuptrans WhatsApp Transfer. Connect both smartphones to your PC. Following the prompts of the program, transfer information between mobile devices.
If it is not a matter of principle for you to store the archive of chats on a new phone, you can send important correspondence to your mail. To do this, select a personal or group chat, open the menu and the "More" option. Click on the line "Export chat", specify the addition or refusal of media files, email address. Now you can read your chat archive from any device and without installing the WhatsApp application.
So, following a simple algorithm of actions, you can easily restore your correspondence after changing your phone. And such minor inconveniences will certainly not overshadow the joy of purchasing a more powerful and modern smartphone.