How To Index All Articles

How To Index All Articles
How To Index All Articles

Webmasters promoting sites on the Russian-speaking Internet mainly work with Yandex and Google. Particular attention during promotion should be paid to indexing pages.

How to index all articles
How to index all articles

Achieving maximum indexing is the task of every SEO optimizer. Your own knowledge and certain services can help you with this.

Common methods for improving page indexing

First of all, you need to ensure that your site is periodically filled with quality content. A good article is a well-written, meaningful text in Russian. Very often, images are added to articles by meaning, indicating an alt-tag or a video from Youtube.

Each article should have a capacious Title title, a list of keywords and a short description. The search engines themselves recommend making sites with the correct HTML page structure, which is user-friendly. From the general recommendations, one can single out the line that says to make sites for people. These are the sites that receive the lion's share of visitors.

Non-standard techniques for improving indexing

Most modern sites have accounts on social networks; Twitter is worth highlighting. After Yandex began to support search on this microblogging service, messages from it began to be taken into account both for indexing and for ranking. The presence of tweets and retweets from popular pages leads to a large number of search engine bots and gives a certain guarantee that the page will appear in the SERP after a while. Highly popular news may appear in the first 5 minutes after publication.

Affixing links to new pages from major news portals gives a 100% guarantee of indexing in the shortest period of time. To do this, you can buy links from similar services, for example Sape.

Each site owner can use a special service for adding new pages in the webmasters section of Yandex and Google. Here you just need to enter the address of a new page and solve the captcha picture.

If you are unable to add a page to the search engine results, you can contact people who will do it for you. They have at their disposal well-promoted Twitter accounts, "Ya. RU blogs" and other sites that bots are especially "fond of".

For a general improvement in indexing and updating pages in search when changes occur, you need to carry out seo work on the site. Many large blogs are updated every 5 minutes and have fast indexing, this can be achieved by systematic filling, site activity and visitor behavior on it. It is recommended to monitor statistics through the Yandex. Metrica service and Google Analytics.