How To Make Money On The Internet On Articles

How To Make Money On The Internet On Articles
How To Make Money On The Internet On Articles

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One of the common activities on the web is writing texts and articles to order. The need for quality articles is huge today. And literate people have the opportunity to make such work the main type of income.

How to make money on the Internet on articles
How to make money on the Internet on articles


Step 1

Try your hand at copywriting and online journalism. Perhaps writing articles is your calling or a good way to earn a decent living. To make your career successful, you need to take into account the requirements of your customers for the quality of the text and know where and how you can profitably sell your articles.

Step 2

As a beginner copywriter, you can start with specialized text exchanges. There are many of them both in the Russian-speaking and in the English-speaking Internet.

Step 3

In the Russian-speaking segment of the network, the most famous and popular content exchanges are TextSale, Advego, Etxt, Copylancer, TextBroker, etc. They differ both in functionality and in terms of internal rules and prices for work. All these resources are united by one thing - the possibility of meeting a copywriter with a potential customer.

Step 4

Choosing the best content exchange is not easy. Much depends on the current situation, on your personal qualities and skills. For a beginner with no experience and no portfolio of work, it is better to start a career on such resources as Advego and Extx. They offer little payment for lyrics, but the requirements for performers are also very modest.

Step 5

Exchanges provide an opportunity to gain the first experience, "get your hands on" writing simple, short texts, make useful contacts among authors and webmasters. Working on exchanges allows you to understand well the requirements for writing articles for sites and seo texts. When you feel that your professional level has grown and you can easily cope with tasks, you have a solid baggage of successfully completed work to your credit, you can move on to more serious resources, such as or

Step 6

To start writing articles successfully and customers willingly accept your essays, you need to take into account a number of requirements. Keep track of literacy, uniqueness, ease of writing, correct use of keywords.

Step 7

The problem of uniqueness causes confusion among people who have not previously dealt with writing texts for the Internet. Uniqueness is the lack of coincidences of text fragments of your articles with texts previously posted on the network.

Step 8

You can determine the percentage of uniqueness of an article using special programs. The most famous are AdvegoPlagiatus, Etxt Antiplagiat and the online service AdvegoPlagiatus and Etxt Antiplagiatus are good because they can be downloaded from developer sites and installed on your computer. Thus, you do not have to depend on the quality of the sites themselves.
