How To Make A Flask In Minecraft

How To Make A Flask In Minecraft
How To Make A Flask In Minecraft

The Minecraft game is so diverse that you can practice alchemy in it. To brew a potion and enhance it, get useful experience, even just transfer water, you need glass vials, or flasks. You can make a flask in Minecraft using glass blocks.

Flask in Minecraft
Flask in Minecraft

Ways to make a flask in Minecraft

To create a flask, you need glass. It is obtained from ordinary sand, it can be taken, for example, in the desert. The sand is melted in a furnace and turned into glass blocks. Place three glass blocks on a V-shaped workbench and craft a flask from them. Another option to get a flask in Minecraft is to kill the witch and pick up the dropped artifact.

How to make a cooking rack in Minecraft

To create a cooking rack, you will need three cobblestone blocks and a fire rod. On the workbench, you need to install a base of cobblestones, putting them in a row, in the second row in the center, put a fire rod. As a result, it will be possible to craft a brewing rack, which is necessary for any actions with potions and alchemical elements.

Conveniently, if there is a boiler next to the cooking stand, you can scoop water from it into the flask by pressing the right mouse button. One cauldron will be enough to fill three flasks.

Basically, flasks are intended to enhance potions, although in some cases they can replace the bucket. Enhanced potions are used much longer, after their end, an empty flask remains in the hero's hands again. However, if the potion is explosive, the flask will also break.
