Any server can be subject to a ddos hacker attack. And the higher the level of organization of the attack, the more complex and expensive methods are needed to protect the server.

Step 1
Contact an experienced specialist who administers sites and is faced with the need to repel ddos attacks. With its help, you can block requests to the server from certain countries from where hackers are attacking, as well as perform a number of other settings that protect the server from intruders. However, such measures help, as a rule, only in case of not too serious and organized attacks.
Step 2
Contact the technical support of your hosting. It is often enough to simply change the current IP address so that the novice hacker can no longer continue the attack. For more effective protection, you will need a firewall, which the hosting company does not always have. Such a screen will be able to filter out most of the incoming traffic so that the server continues to work normally.
Step 3
Use the services of one of the specialized hosting services that specifically protect servers from ddos attacks, including those organized by experienced hackers. The advantage of this option is the ability to keep the current IP address. All traffic will be distributed to several servers, the number of which will vary depending on the intensity of the attack. In the end, you will only receive useful traffic, while the requests of the attackers will not be able to pass the filter, and the IP addresses that the hackers use will be blocked until the attack is over.