How To Make A House Beautiful And Big In Minecraft

How To Make A House Beautiful And Big In Minecraft
How To Make A House Beautiful And Big In Minecraft

Minecraft lovers are trying to equip a shelter for themselves, where they can hide from hostile characters. It may be a small building, but many people try to create large and beautiful homes. They can be rebuilt with a height of several floors, filled with furniture and appliances, and decorated in any desired style.

How to make a house beautiful and big in minecraft
How to make a house beautiful and big in minecraft

During work, you must be careful and attentive. It is better to stock up materials for construction in advance. It will be more convenient to build in the "creative" mode - this helps to avoid the need to extract them in large quantities.

Where to start construction work

Before starting construction, you should decide on the type of housing. You can plan a mansion, a huge country house of several floors, a modest and cozy cottage. Then you need to choose a place for it. Some players prefer to have a residence in the mountains or even on the water.

After the desired option has been determined, you can stock up on material for the construction. When everything is collected in sufficient quantity, work begins. A simple multi-story option can be built quickly using sandstone, wool, and glass.

Building a big house

To build a large and beautiful house in Minecraft, the basis can be made as follows. Place a connecting cube on the site and add 5 more to it, they touch not with faces, but with corners. This is how all four sides of the future house are laid out. Then, from the side where the entrance is planned to be placed, the middle block must be removed. Raise the pillars from the corners, adding 4 cubes to each, the total height of the wall will be 5 cubes. There should be 8 such pillars, between them in the corners of the building there are gaps in the diagonal of the connecting cube.

In these gaps, place a colored wool unit on the connecting cube, on top of this - 3 glass elements. Cubes are added to the pillars erected in the corners and a gap is laid in such a way that a U-shaped structure is obtained for the future wall. Fill the rest of the wall space with glass elements.

The same procedure must be repeated for all walls, except for the one in which the entrance is planned. It should be designed so that it becomes beautiful and noticeable. On the cubes on both sides of the open opening, 3 cubes of colored wool are superimposed, at the top they are connected until a U-shaped figure is obtained. Close the ceiling with sandstone. In this case, it is necessary to leave a 1 cube hole free - here you can build a staircase. One floor of the house can be considered ready.

On the second floor, decorate all walls in the same way as on the first. Cover the roof with colored wool. You can make it plain or lay out a pattern of squares of different colors. It turns out a ceiling, which can be viewed from inside the house. To make a beautiful roof, at the top you need to make a structure from the material of the same color that was used to decorate the walls. A layer of material is laid out on the surface of the house, stepping back one cube from the edge, then, according to the same principle, another layer.

The house is ready. You can fill it from the inside, equip nearby sites. This construction option is one of the simplest. If the construction is planned on a larger scale, preparation for it requires serious.
