How To Create A Beautiful And Original Nickname In Latin

How To Create A Beautiful And Original Nickname In Latin
How To Create A Beautiful And Original Nickname In Latin

Registration in social networks, on various sites, creating an e-mail require creating your own nickname. A mandatory requirement is uniqueness, preferably originality. Not every site allows you to create nicknames in Cyrillic, so people are forced to come up with them in Latin. But here, too, various options are possible.

Registering an account with Google
Registering an account with Google

Every day, a huge number of people use social networks, e-mail, make orders in online stores, etc. However, each site requires prior registration. There are people who use a once invented login and password everywhere and everywhere, but most prefer to use a separate login for each specific site.

There is an interesting method that allows you to create original logins in Latin in such a way that it is easy to remember and perceived with interest.

To do this, you can use Latin characters that are outwardly close or completely copy the Cyrillic ones. For example, the Latin characters C ("tse") or H ("ash") repeat the Cyrillic characters C ("es") and H ("en") in writing. Use Latin letters similar in spelling as substitutes for Russian letters: O, o, E, e, M, m, B, C, c, X, x, K, k, H, D, A, a, P, p, u, T or their combinations JI instead of the Russian "Л", numbers 3, 4 instead of the letters "z", "h", the letter "b" instead of the soft sign. It is easy to find other analogies on the keyboard.

As a rule, the approaches of an Internet user to creating a login are fairly standard. Without further ado, he writes in transliteration a version of his own surname. For example, Petrov, Petrov08082019, Petrov11111 and the like. But after all, many surnames can be written in Latin characters, and they will be read completely in Russian. For example: KAHATAEB, CEPOB, KOPHEB, MOMOTOB, MAKAPOB, KOTOB, BEPECAEB, TAPACOB. In each case, Latin characters are used. By analogy, proper names are often used: Semen, Semen08082019, Semen11111. Again, many names can be written in Latin: MAKAP, CEMEH, POMAH, CEBA, 3AXAP, MAPK, HA3AP, CABBA male; EBA, PO3A, AHHA, BAHECCA, MAPTA, PEHATA, POKCAHA, TAMAPA women. Moreover, the nickname combining the first and last name will be original: APTEM_KOPHEEB, BAPBAPA_KOPOTKOBA. You can also add a suitable city to the first / last name: POMAH_MOCKBA, MAPTA_CAPATOB. It is quite interesting to consider various professions from this perspective, both separately and in combination with the first / last name: koHcmPykToP, apxumekmop_BOPOHOB, KOCMOHABT, KOPPEKTOP, ACTPOHOM, PEKTOP, apxumekmop_CEMEHOB. The Latin "y" (y), "m" ("em") replace the Cyrillic "y", "t" ("te"). You can use abstract words written in Latin characters as a login: XAPAKTEP, PAK, MOCT, POKOT, OKOPOK, CATAHA, KOCTb, MyxoMop, mopm, BEPECK, ocemp, etc. Ha_Bocmoke_kycaem_koMap.

In the list of letters received by e-mail, the letter from the mailbox [email protected] will stand out sharply. Recognition is the key to success.

Creation of various logins and nicknames according to the considered principle is limited only by the user's imagination.
