It happens that such a nuisance happens: you received a message, but the money ran out. There is no way you can answer. But if you have the Internet at hand, this problem can be easily solved!

Step 1
In the modern world, text messages have become so popular that calls are no longer in vogue, as they say. They came up with an alternative, let's say, wonderful. Namely - ISQ. But it happens in life that you cannot predict how everything will turn out. Yes, messages using ICQ are much cheaper than usual ones, but what to do if you run out of money on your phone, and you won't even enter ISQ, and if it works, then there are no guarantees that the person to whom you need to send a message is online … The solution to this problem is very commonplace. Say what you like, but all ingenious is simple. You will need internet. Therefore, the first thing you will have to do is just go from your computer to the network.
Step 2
Next, you need to find out the connection that the person to whom you are going to send a text message is using. The most common are TELE2, beeline, MTS and megaphone. But there is no such site in which, regardless of the type of connection, it was possible to send SMS. Therefore, you need to know at least the operator code (for example, 8-904-… is a TELE2 subscriber, 8-920-… is a megaphone, and so on), with which you can easily establish which connection your interlocutor is connected to.
Step 3
Then on the Internet in any search engine (be it, or, or any other), enter a text similar to the following: "send free SMS." You will be presented with a variety of links to choose from. Look for sending free messages to the connection you need. Then go to this site and send an answer to your interlocutor.
Step 4
There is also a rather interesting and at the same time alternative option for sending text messages. The mail client has its own program, similar to ISQ, called mailagent. After downloading any version to your computer, you can add a phone number as a contact, after which you will be given the opportunity to send free SMS messages using this program.