How To Name A Domain

How To Name A Domain
How To Name A Domain

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A domain name is a unique set of characters that is assigned to a domain when it is registered. Choosing the right name increases the popularity of the site and makes it easier to find when using search engines. Five basic rules will help you choose the best name for your website.

How to choose a domain name
How to choose a domain name


  • - project of the future site
  • - a selection of keywords for the site


Step 1

Choose a second-level domain if you want your site to have a representative, respectable name. The attitude towards such a domain will be more serious than towards a third-level domain. Unlike domains of the third level, which are distributed mostly free of charge, you will have to pay for the second level. After you have submitted your application to create a domain, the registration company will issue an invoice to you and you must pay it. After payment, the domain becomes your property. If you wish, you can order a certificate for it.

Step 2

If you are making a site for Russian-speaking users, choose the domain zone. RU or. РФ for the site. Russian search engines treat such sites with greater "love" and often put them higher in search results. If you are making a website for the English-speaking segment, your choice should fall on the. COM domain zone.

Step 3

When coming up with a site name, give preference to Russian words written in English letters if you have chosen a Russian domain zone. For example, from domains and is better to give preference to the first one for the. RU zone and the last one for the. COM zone

Step 4

Ideally, the shorter the domain name, the better. It is easier for a user to remember a three-letter address than a ten-letter one. Moreover, when typing a small word, you can make much fewer mistakes. But good short letter combinations tend to be taken up by other owners. Therefore, every year it becomes more difficult to find a suitable domain. It is advisable to choose a domain with a long name if you want it to fully match the name of your company.

Step 5

The owner, aiming at the successful promotion of the site, chooses a domain name that includes keywords. Thanks to keywords, the user finds the site through a request to a search engine. And the presence of visitors is the most important quality for a site. Therefore, it is not advisable to neglect this rule.
