Article Directories On The Internet

Article Directories On The Internet
Article Directories On The Internet

Article directories on the Internet - what is it and what is it eaten with? From the point of view of an ordinary user, such resources are thematic collections of information materials. But for the most part, such sites are crammed with uninteresting, if not illiterate articles.

Article directories on the Internet
Article directories on the Internet

The thing is that article directories are intended primarily for the so-called webmasters or site owners. By publishing their article in the catalog, they get the right to put a link with it to their Internet resource. But almost any article costs money (or time), so various tricks are used, up to the use of a synonymizer, which produces hundreds and thousands of the same type of uninformative and "unreadable" articles.

The situation is different on the English-speaking Internet, where there are also similar catalogs, but, unlike the Russian Internet, materials are accepted there only after the most severe moderation. And with a bad, uninformative or simply illiterate article, it is better not to even try to get there - it is pointless.

That is why article directories in the bourgeoisie are filled with quality materials that attract thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of users a day. And where there are visitors, there is income. Moreover, both for the owners of the resource itself and for those who post articles on it.

In Runet, the situation is completely different. A free, moderated article directory is nearly impossible to find here. Therefore, the quality of articles on the available resources is disgusting. Consequently, these Internet portals are of little interest to ordinary users - after all, nothing but an uninformative set of texts is impossible to find there.

But it is not unknown that in the field of the Internet we are five to seven years behind the West. And it seems that right now is the time for the emergence of high-quality moderated article directories with interesting and useful materials. Whoever understands this first will get an advantage in the eternal race for success.
