How To Delete A Group In Classmates

How To Delete A Group In Classmates
How To Delete A Group In Classmates

The social network "Odnoklassniki" has a lot of diverse communities of interest. You can become a member of them by selecting them on the site or by inviting friends. It is important to remember that at any time you can delete any group on your page if you suddenly lose interest in it.

How to delete a group in classmates
How to delete a group in classmates

Without entering the page - nowhere

To perform any action in Odnoklassniki, you first need to go to your own page on the social network. To do this, you will need to enter your credentials on the main page of the site or save the link to the site in your browser bookmarks. Moreover, it should be noted that the second method is much simpler: after all, to enter Odnoklassniki, it will be enough to click on the saved link. However, this option is good if no one else has access to the computer, otherwise strangers may enter your page.

Never share your social media data with anyone.

Delete community or group

Once on your own page in Odnoklassniki, under the line with your first and last name, find a link with the words “Groups” (this is the fourth button from the main photo). Click on it and go to the page, where a list of all the groups you have will be presented.

To see a list of all groups, click the "Show more" button located on the gray background of the main window. After that, all the communities of which you are a member will appear in front of you.

You can "find out" the group you need by the main picture-avatar. If this method is unacceptable for you, for example, you do not remember how the group looks visually, move the mouse to the image, and not only the name of the group will appear in the drop-down window, but also links by which you can immediately go to the "Themes" sections, "Photos", "Participants". Slightly lower in the same window there are links "Invite to group", "Leave group".

Hover over the group you are interested in, that is, the one with which you decided to say goodbye, and select the item you need. In this case - "Leave the group". Click on the link, after which the "Exit group" window will appear on a new page. Here you will be asked if you really want to leave the group. If your answer is final, click the "Exit" button. If not, “Cancel”.

There is another way to leave the group. To do this, you need to find the group you need in the list, go to its main page and find "Leave group" in the list of available options. Click on this link and go to the next page, where you will need to confirm your decision to leave the group.

If the author of the group is you

If you are going to delete your own group from the site, of which you are the creator, you also need to first go to the group and click the link with the inscription "Delete group" under the main group photo. Then, in the next window, confirm your decision. After completing this step, the group will disappear from the list of all communities you have.
