How To Start Playing World Of Warcraft

How To Start Playing World Of Warcraft
How To Start Playing World Of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is a whole virtual world. In it you will enjoy the beauty of landscapes, meet amazing characters, become a master in some profession and, of course, fight on the side of light or darkness.

How to start playing World of Warcraft
How to start playing World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft brings together millions of players around the world. What is the secret of the popularity of this game? The fact is that the game will be interesting to any person, regardless of age or gender. There is no abundance of bloody scenes, but there is an exciting plot and truly beautiful graphics.

How to install the game and register

First you need to create an account at It doesn't take long, because all the instructions are pretty self-explanatory.

If one of your friends has a character in the game, ask him to send an invitation to you by e-mail. The letter will contain detailed information with instructions on what to do next.

After registering on the site, you need to download and install the game client on your computer, it takes several tens of gigabytes. The starter version is free and allows you to upgrade your hero to level 20. Then you will need to pay 359 rubles for playing on the official server. per month.

After installing the game client, it is recommended to install a small program Curse Client. With its help, you do not have to search for add-ons manually, they are all collected in one place and installed with one click of the mouse.

How to start playing

After installing the game, enter your account information and get acquainted with the world of WoW.

First, you need to select a game world. They are divided according to the principle of playing against other people or the world around them. In the first case, you will be attacked by players from warring factions, and in the second, a calm game awaits you in which the battles between the heroes take place by mutual agreement.

The next step is to decide which side to fight on. The alliance unites humans, gnomes, elves, draenei, dwarves and worgen. The forces of the Horde are represented by the undead, orcs, goblins, trolls, tauren, and night elves. In the latest version of Mists of Pandaria, a new race of Pandaren is available. They can fight on either side.

Having decided on the race, choose a character class: mage, warlock, paladin, druid, warrior, etc. The choice depends on your preference. If you like to attack in close combat, swinging swords and axes, choose a warrior, death knight or paladin. Hunters and elves fight in ranged combat using arrows and bows. The rogue has the ability to sneak up unnoticed. Mages, shamans, warlocks and priests act with spells and can be healers. Monks and druids choose for themselves: fight as a "tank" or heal others.

The final moment of the initial stage is the choice of the name and appearance of the hero (hairstyle, tattoos, eye color, etc.). After that press the "Play" button and get ready for adventure.
