How To Delete A Page In Classmates Yourself

How To Delete A Page In Classmates Yourself
How To Delete A Page In Classmates Yourself

Sometimes people have a period in their life when they need to delete their account in one of the social networks. Today we will talk about how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki, how to do it yourself without unnecessary nerves and stress.

How to delete a page in classmates yourself
How to delete a page in classmates yourself

Having made the decision to delete a page on the website, the user must understand that this operation is irreversible. After the performed manipulations, all photos, videos, recordings and other necessary information will disappear. This should be remembered.

To delete a page on Odnoklassniki, you need to do the following:

1. Log in to the website.

2. Once on your profile page, scroll the mouse wheel to the very bottom.

3. At the bottom of the page, you should find a section called "Regulations".

4. Clicking on the voiced section will move you to the next page. It will contain the user agreement that was concluded when creating an account on the social network.

5. Scrolling the agreement to the end, two buttons appear in the field of view: and.

6. If you decide to delete a page in Odnoklassniki, then you need to click on the button.

7. After clicking on the sounded link, a sign will appear in which you need to note the reason for the refusal of services.

8. Select the desired item, why you refuse services. For example, you can put an end to the column "stop using social networks."

9. If at this moment you change your mind to delete the page in Odnoklassniki, then just click on the "cancel" button.

10. Those who have not changed their intentions need to enter the password for the Odnoklassniki page and press the button."

11. All the page in Odnoklassniki has been deleted.

Having decided on such drastic measures, to cock all the pros and cons. After the performed manipulations, the information stored in the account will disappear irrevocably.

Now you know how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki, and whether to do it or not, everyone decides for himself.
