Minecraft is the most creative game ever. It is possible to build almost anything here. Underwater houses, skyscrapers, paintings, statues, roads and even entire cities - the choice is limited only by your imagination.

This game entered the global gaming industry market relatively recently, in 2011, and immediately conquered everyone with its originality and extremely unusual gameplay. All thanks to talented designers: Markus Persson and Jens Bergensten, who decided that everything should be square, and created sketches of the world of blocks, which were later brought to life by Swedish developers from Mojang AB.
Although initially the game could only be played in survival mode (build, kill, collect and travel), later Jacob Porser from Xbox Game Studios suggested creating a creative mode as well. The player did not have to get something in it: everything was in his inventory in unlimited quantities. It was then that unusual buildings, statues and other various constructions began to appear in minecraft. Bloggers who filmed the passage of this game also threw up a lot of ideas: they conducted challenges to the tallest building, the deepest mine, etc.
Of course, enthusiasts also appeared, building something according to their drawings for months and even years, something truly huge and cool. Here is a photo of 20 of the largest, most unusual and most interesting buildings in minecraft.
1. Winter Palace

The author of this building is a fan of the game from Canada. It took more than 5 million blocks to make this building. It looks really grandiose, having worked out all the smallest details.
2. Tower of Babel

Iraqi players are also renowned for their creativity. On one of the existing maps, the participant spent 4 months building a huge 100-storey tower according to his own drawing, which included more than 7 million blocks and had an approximate height of 1036 meters. Agree, it looks like the very ancient architecture of Babylon!
3. Marine vessels

Of course, you can't swim on such ships, and nevertheless they look impressive. Inside them, everything is thought out to the smallest detail: there are doors, rooms, bedrooms and even the captain's cabin, from which a wonderful view of the sea and the islands opens up.
4. The plane crashed into the jungle

The photo of the found Malaysian Boeing flight MH-370 served as a prototype for a specially designed map of craftsmen from Brazil. Just look at how clearly the place of the fault is drawn, the debris scattered nearby.
5. Cathedral

One of the European cathedrals in the style of the late 18th century was placed in the mouth of a seething volcano, in which lava blazes and rages. To get inside, you have to open the bridge gate and, after opening the door lock, go up to the second floor, since the first there is no floor in this building.
6. Moria from The Lord of the Rings

The real dream of any Lord of the Rings fan is to get into this universe, to visit the most unusual and terrifying places. This opportunity appeared thanks to gamers from Texas (America). They created an almost exact replica of Moria, the underground labyrinth city in which the dwarves lived.
7. Minas Tirith from The Lord of the Rings

Another beautiful building, so beloved by fans of the JRR Tolkien universe. Minas Tirith is the capital of Gondor and the "Fortress of the Sun". It is worth noting that the authors were not too lazy even to build an exact copy of the mountains that surrounded the city.
8. A real computer with its own operating system

Who would have thought that in Minecraft it is really possible to create a working computer with all the necessary original components from real life. It was built by the Russians on one of the servers in 2017.
9. Galleon

A huge pirate ship, in which all the details have been worked out: sails, as if fluttering in the wind, windows with glass, flagpoles and translucent ropes with shrouds (nets). Even the sea foam is clearly visible, into which the ship crashes. Players say that all the underwater animals are visible from the ship: dolphins and sharks, which are part of the development.
10. Minecraft City

A map created by the game developers themselves. For its construction, special sea-colored water blocks were developed. The streets of the city can be used to drive cars, climb into huge apartment buildings and skyscraper offices, as well as go boating and fishing for halibut.
11. Deepest career

Careers are one of the main elements of the game. In Survival mode, gold, coal and other necessary resources are mined here. But what do you do with them in Creative Mode? One of the players made the deepest shaft, and even covered it with a special glass cover.
12. Space Shuttle

The shuttle with a real space rocket is the creation of a Swedish gamer who was challenged by his subscribers. He managed to make it in 27 days, spending 4 million blocks and a lot of nerves.
13. King's Landing from "Game of Thrones"

Game of Thrones is a legendary TV series. Its main harbor was placed in an equally legendary game - Minecraft. It is not the main buildings that are especially striking, but the beautiful mini-buildings. It is difficult even to imagine how difficult it was to build them!
14. Ancient Metropolis

Even the ancient medieval metropolis can really be transferred to the map, you just have to spend 6 months and 34 million blocks, as the Canadian Minecraft player did. He even bothered to arrange water lilies in the pool around the main building.
15. City from the game Mirror's Edge

It turns out that fans of the Mirror's Edge game also play Minecraft. This is evidenced by a three-dimensional city built of blocks, impressive graphics and precision of small details. One of the streamers of the game even spent 4 hours comparing the original with this incredible copy, and found only 7 differences, which is very small for a structure of this scale.
16. Nyan Cat

Do you recognize the same cat that has become popular on social networks? Yes, it is he, or rather, his three-dimensional copy. Particularly impressive is Nyan Cat's size and rainbow footprint.
17. My Little Pony

Four Mexican girls, big fans of this series, decided to create a portrait of their favorite heroine from blocks in Minecraft. Initially, they did not work out very nicely and looks like, so netizens helped them, who significantly modified the map and beautifully painted eyes that the girls never did.
18. Battlestar Galaktika

The same intergalactic cruiser from space movies. What could be better if you fly it yourself, like your favorite movie characters? Of course, in minecraft, such an opportunity with this device with two turbines has not yet been implemented, and nevertheless, even wandering inside this creation is already a cool idea. Its construction took more than 12 million blocks and 4.5 months of hard work.
19. Giant snake

Beautiful construction is not complete without the participation of animals. This magnificent snake with a red fiery tail is proof of this. It was executed by a Russian player on an existing map. It is worth noting how beautifully and accurately the mouth of this anaconda is drawn.
20. Eiffel Tower

Of course, the Eiffel Tower is the most popular tower in the world. Its layout is slightly different from the original, with the addition of light bulb decorations. It is very remarkable that it was placed in nature. It is believed to have been made by a fan of the game from France, and modified by a player from Kiev, leaving an "autograph" - the Ukrainian flag at the top.