How To Set Fire To A Tank In World Of Tanks

How To Set Fire To A Tank In World Of Tanks
How To Set Fire To A Tank In World Of Tanks

The World of Tanks game is a complex system that has a huge number of nuances that, at first glance, are not important. But it is on such nuances and trifles that the tactics of setting fire to enemy tanks are built. Perhaps every WoT player at least once set fire to an enemy's tank, and he didn’t want to. But learning to set fire to enemy tanks on purpose is not an easy task.

How to set fire to a tank in World of Tanks
How to set fire to a tank in World of Tanks

How to set fire to an enemy tank?

Just hitting the hull of a tank with your projectile is not enough to set it on fire. The tank will ignite if you get into its engine or fuel tank. Moreover, the percentage of tank fire when it enters the engine is much lower compared to that when it enters the fuel tank. According to statistics, only 20 out of 100 shells will be able to ignite the engine of an enemy tank if it hits the engine accurately. Therefore, it is necessary to aim at your enemy's fuel tanks. Despite the wide variety of tanks in the game, almost all tank models have fuel tanks located in the rear of the tank or on the side, but closer to the rear. Structurally, this arrangement provides a number of advantages. In battle, a tank rarely exposes its rear end under attack, but drives towards the enemy with its frontal end. Therefore, you cannot do without making a maneuver to break through the fuel tanks.

Also, in order to set fire to a tank, a separate type of projectile is needed: high-explosive fragmentation or high-explosive. When using conventional armor-piercing shells, the percentage of tank ignition is reduced significantly. The main difference between high-explosive shells and armor-piercing shells is that they do not transfer kinetic energy to armor simply by pushing it through, but explode when they penetrate the tank's hull. This feature is responsible for the high probability of a fire in the tank when a high-explosive fragmentation projectile enters its tanks.

How to set fire to a tank in World of Tanks?
How to set fire to a tank in World of Tanks?

But even if a high-explosive fragmentation projectile hits the gas tank, the enemy may not catch fire. To set it on fire, you need two, and sometimes three hits in the fuel tank.

What does arson of an enemy tank give?

How to set fire to a tank
How to set fire to a tank

When an enemy tank ignites, we first of all inflict huge damage on it, knocking out several modules of the enemy tank at once. In case of fire, the engine and ammunition rack are immediately "criticized". When the engine is disabled, the tank becomes slower, which does not allow it to hide behind an obstacle in time. And when the ammunition rack is disabled by fire, the reloading speed of the gun decreases and the projectile spread when fired increases. Also, if a tank fires, the crew is incapacitated. When a mechanic is injured, the speed of the tank also decreases, which makes it more vulnerable, and when the gunner is injured, the spread of the gun increases. It is also worth noting that the player who was able to set fire to the tank receives a lot of game currency for the damage caused, as well as the distinctive sign "Pyro".
