How To Create Tabs In Google

How To Create Tabs In Google
How To Create Tabs In Google

A tab is a graphical interface element that allows the user to switch between multiple documents in one application. In the browser, they are needed to switch between multiple sites. The creation of tabs, for example, in Google Chrome, can be done both using interface elements and using keyboard shortcuts.

Google Chrome Browser Tabs
Google Chrome Browser Tabs

Partial description of the Google Chrome interface

After launching the Google Chrome browser, you will see the first start page, just above it there will be an address bar, which is also a search page. The first and only tab with the name of the currently open site will be located a little higher. To the right, you can see a small parallelogram icon by hovering over it and holding it for a short time, a tooltip will appear with the words "New Tab".

Opening tabs using the interface

When you click on this parallelogram icon, a new tab will open, after which you can enter any request or site address in the address bar and get to it. New tabs can also be opened by clicking on some links. The point is that there are two types of links on websites. By clicking on the first type, a transition will be made somewhere within the existing tab. The second type of links opens the page in a new tab. In addition, opening a tab can be done using a menu item. At the top right, click on the browser menu icon, it looks like three horizontal stripes. Then click the "New Tab" item.

Keyboard shortcuts

You can also open a new tab using keyboard shortcuts prepared in the program. Pressing Ctrl + T on your keyboard will open a new tab in Google Chrome. If a site was accidentally closed, and you can't remember the address, the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T will come to the rescue. With it, you can open a tab with a site you just closed in Google Chrome.

When there are too many tabs

Sometimes there is a situation when there are a lot of tabs open in the browser. Because of this, the computer starts to work slowly and does not cope with the tasks. In this case, the state of affairs can be saved by bookmarks and their competent sorting using special folders.

Open the menu from the right to the top, depicted as three horizontal bars. Then select "Bookmarks", then "Bookmarks Manager". Here, in the window that opens, right-click on an empty field and select "Add folder". Name the new folder whatever you like, thus defining a category for an entire group of sites. For example, it might be the Miscellaneous folder.

Now open each open site and in the address bar on the right, look for the asterisk icon, poke on it. Specify the folder you just created, then click Finish. Now the tab added to the bookmarks can be deleted, and if necessary, it can always be found by pressing Ctrl + T and selecting the "Miscellaneous" folder from the bookmarks menu located next to the address bar. Thus, you can clean and sort all the tabs by bookmarks, the computer, in turn, will work much better.
