How To Come Up With A Name For Your Site

How To Come Up With A Name For Your Site
How To Come Up With A Name For Your Site

The first thing a site builder should think about is the name of the portal. Both the attendance and the direction of the future Internet resource depend on the sonorous and short address. However, after much thought, it turns out that it is not so easy to come up with a name for the site, because many names have already been taken.

How to come up with a name for your site
How to come up with a name for your site

The site address is a unique string of characters that follow the abbreviation www, which translates as "World Wide Web" - "World Wide Web". Many people spend whole days and weeks in creative agony, unable to think of a suitable name for their page.

The main criterion for the traffic of the future site is that its name should be simple and concise, preferably one or two words and no more than a dozen characters. You should not give the site long names, because the user may not remember too long phrases. If you still give the site a name in three or more words, then it makes sense to drive the abbreviation of the name into the site address.

How to check if the site name is already taken?

If you came up with a brilliant name for your Internet project, then do not rush to rejoice, because such an insight could already please someone before you. Therefore, first enter the invented name of the site in the address bar of the browser and press enter. If the browser did not open the site, but gave you an error page, then you can safely register the site name.

But even if a page of someone else's site has opened, there is no need to get upset and start to invent the name again. You can check the availability of a choice of a particular name using special services for checking the availability of a domain. Such checks are called WhoIs and help the creator to see whether the name he has already composed is registered in any domain zone or not.

Which domain zone should you choose?

Having decided on the name of the site, you should also think about which domain zone you need to register it on.

The most popular domain zone of the Russian Federation is the “toch ru” zone and the recently appeared “tochka rf”. There are no restrictions on domain registration in these zones, and the registration period can be up to a year, after which you can either renew the domain or move to another.

For sites of commercial organizations there is a special domain "dot com", and for non-commercial organizations - "dot org".

If the topic of your site is informational, then it is worth considering the option to settle in the "dot info" zone.

It is best to register business projects on the “biz point” domain zones.

In the case when you want to emphasize the absence of any information by the name of the site (for example, that only news are published on this page, and not jokes), then you can use the "dot net" domain zone and create a beautiful name like "" …
