It is no secret that many sites on the Internet belong to people from different regions, respectively, there are resources that contain information mainly for people from a particular region.

As you know, search engines analyze a user's request, and one of the features of such requests is its geo-dependence. For example, a geo-sensitive question would look like this: "buy a laptop", "pizza delivery", etc.
How are Yandex and Google searches performed?
As for the Yandex search engine, it determines geo-dependence by means of a statistical method. This means that in order to determine geographic dependence, the user at the end of the request must indicate the region by which the system will be searched. It is worth noting that recently Yandex has several domain names that are used only in a certain territory, these are: Russian sites with the ru domain, Ukrainian sites with the ua domain, Belarusian sites - by, Kazakh sites - kz, and foreign sites with the com domain. It turns out that regional search in Yandex directly depends on the domain used. For example, if you enter “Cyprus” in the search bar, while working with the kz domain, you will be shown only those results that are used in Kazakhstan.
Google is using a slightly different strategy. The thing is that Google is focused on many countries of the world and it has more than 200 domain names, each of which is used for a specific country. In order for the user to be able to find the goods or services of interest to him in a certain region, Google allows him to use the Google Places service. Naturally, in addition to this, the user can use the standard search.
Regional search
Both of these search engines determine the user's region primarily by the IP address used. Naturally, the user can change his region in a special field. For example, in Yandex, all you need to do is enter the URL with the required domain, and after loading the page, to the right of the search bar, specify "Region". Google, in turn, when the user first logs in, immediately transfers him to the desired domain zone, that is, the user no longer has to enter something unnecessary and waste his time on it. In order to specify the search region more specifically, and in the menu on the left, you can click on the "Change location" link, and then enter the name of the region where you will search. As a result, the user will be able to get the result he was looking for in a given region.