Selling Copy And White Paper: Similarities And Differences

Selling Copy And White Paper: Similarities And Differences
Selling Copy And White Paper: Similarities And Differences

To develop a business on the Internet, it is necessary to place on sites not only product descriptions and advertisements. It is important to fill profile and landing pages with content of various types and purposes.

Content creation
Content creation

There are many similarities between the two types of content - informational and selling articles, but they are different in their essence: the purpose and the tasks performed.

Commercial texts - - are of an advertising nature and are designed to motivate the user to take any targeted action: get advice, subscribe, call, make a reservation, make a purchase. As a rule, they are posted on the main pages and in the main sections of the web resource.

Articles of an introductory and educational nature - - help sales indirectly. Aimed at telling something interesting, teaching, advising. They are tasked with drawing attention to the company's website, increasing brand loyalty and gaining the reader's trust. Most often, the place of such publications is blogs and forums.


contains a description of product benefits, reviews and classifications, examples of user experience. It can be provided with links for comparison with analogs, pay attention to discounts and promotions. It is designed in such a way as to influence the sphere of desires and interests of the consumer, to convince him to purchase a product / order a service.

is a useful and relevant material related to the topic of the Internet site. It brings to the user the information necessary and valuable for him, sets out reliable facts and figures, explains or prompts something. Such a publication is aimed at ensuring that the reader satisfies his curiosity and finds an exhaustive answer to his question.

Despite the different purposes of these types of content, general rules should be taken into account when creating them:

1. The material should not contain spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors.

2. To simplify the perception of the text, it is necessary to separate it with subheadings, break it into paragraphs, choose the right font, use anchors, etc.

3. Both types of content should be structured.

4. The general requirement for articles is a high uniqueness rate.

5. Writing should be preceded by the search and study of the necessary information, the analysis of the "portrait" of the target audience of the site.

Parameters by which differences of texts are classified:

  • Presentation style. In commercial texts, every word is necessary and weighed. The phrases are concise and focused. Sentences are short and clear. The publication can focus on individual merits of the product, contain personal judgments and assessments, be emotionally colored and expressive. In informational articles, the narration is conducted from a third person, in a simple and accessible language. Some freedom in writing is allowed: you can use epithets, speech turns, use long sentences.
  • Title. The headline of the selling text should "catch" the reader, include keywords and be catchy, original, creative. In a short and succinct title of the informational article, it is necessary to clearly reflect the essence of the stated.
  • The final. The selling text certainly ends with a call to perform the target action and contains a link (or a button): buy, go, order, subscribe, etc. At the end of the informational article, they summarize, make a generalization, conclusions.
  • Relevance to search queries. SEO optimization is a must for commercial copy. In informational articles aimed at a comfortable perception of them by the reader, it is not so important to take into account search queries.
  • Each type of text has its own structure.
Similarity and difference of texts
Similarity and difference of texts

Summarizing the similarities and differences in content, you can give the following definitions:

- a kind of advertising publication, the purpose of which is to sell in the "here and now" format. The required element is a call to action (go to purchase / order, subscribe, call, etc.) - call-to-action (CTA). The format of the text is determined by its type (landing page, ad, etc.), takes into account the nature of the product being promoted and the appearance of the target audience. But regardless of this, the commercial text is always clearly structured: the title, benefits and a call to perform the targeted action.

- the product is not of an advertising, but of a cognitive nature. Its purpose is to engage the reader in the sales scenario by providing him with interesting and useful information. The most significant element of the text is the "heading", the main paragraph that reflects the essence of what is stated - the lead paragraph (Lead). The structure of the article is preserved regardless of the topic and method of presenting the material - this is the title, lead, main body and ending.

It should be noted that if you approach the writing of content correctly and correctly, then the selling text is always able to become as informative as possible. But the reverse rule does not always work. An informational article affects sales indirectly and over time, since it contains hidden advertising.
