How To Reload Your Site

How To Reload Your Site
How To Reload Your Site

Table of contents:


For an experienced user, site administration is not too difficult. But for someone who has recently begun to master the basics of site management, the appearance of certain failures can become a serious problem. To cope with them, you need to know the general principles and methods of setting up Internet resources, including the reboot procedure.

How to reload your site
How to reload your site

It is necessary

Adobe Dreamweaver program


Step 1

If the operating system can simply be restarted in case of a failure, then this cannot be done with the site, it functions on completely different principles. If any errors occur, for example, display problems, incorrect operation of site elements (links, buttons, forms, etc.), the error should be looked for in the corresponding sections of the page code or in the scripts used.

Step 2

Sometimes problems that have arisen can be solved by completely reinstalling the site from a saved copy - provided that such a copy was previously created. Go to the control panel of your site on the hosting, it has options for creating a backup and restoring the site from it.

Step 3

Even if the faults disappeared after the site was restored, they may reappear. Many problems are caused by hacker attacks: by restoring the site from the archive, you leave the opportunity for a second attack, since you have not eliminated the existing vulnerabilities. In particular, one of the most common are the so-called XSS attacks, which allow arbitrary code to be executed in the browser of a user visiting a vulnerable page. If there are signs of exploitation of such a vulnerability (you can read about it online), it must be eliminated.

Step 4

Sometimes a novice administrator wants to change some pages of the site, or even the whole project, but does not know how to do it. Site pages are hosted in the public_html folder, you can open this folder through the control panel in your account. To work with site pages it is best to use Adobe Dreamweaver, it can be found on the Internet. Having changed the pages of the site as needed, upload them to the public_html folder again. For the period of work on the site, it is recommended to replace the main page index.html with a simple page with the same name, where users will see a warning about the work being done.
