How To Create A Blog

How To Create A Blog
How To Create A Blog

Today there are several options for creating your blog. So, you can organize an independent site with a second-level domain name, or you can simply create an account on popular "diary" resources and keep a regular blog-diary. These two options for creating a blog are fundamentally different from each other in terms of time, effort and even money.

How to create a blog
How to create a blog

Free blog on "generic" blogging platforms

Today, there are heated debates among webmasters about the relevance or irrelevance of maintaining such blogs, as well as the possibility of making money on them. However, the sites LiveJournal, LiveInternet, Blogspot and similar resources are still working and are actively updated by new users.

To create such a blog, it will take only a few minutes of time to register and configure the settings for your page on the blog platform. This will give the blog owner a third-level domain name: for example, The simplicity and the absence of the need to pay for the creation of an electronic diary are the obvious advantages of this method. However, it also has significant drawbacks. Firstly, all the materials that will be posted on the blog formally belong not to their author, but to the owners of the blog platform site. Second, there are very limited options for customizing blog designs on LiveJournal or LiveInternet. Finally, the possibilities of earning money from an electronic diary on a common blog platform are also limited.

"Stand alone" blog, or stand alone

The stand alone blog is inherently a full-fledged and independent site with its own second-level domain name (for example, or, usually registered as an individual. Most often, stand alone blogs are created and work on the basis of ready-made administration systems like the most popular Wordpress, Joomla, etc.

They also have advantages and disadvantages. Among the obvious advantages are copyright protection, the ability for the owner to independently choose the individual design of his site, as well as all the potential income from advertising will go to the owner of the site, who is most often the author of the content.

However, there are also very significant disadvantages of "stand-alone" blogs in comparison with accounts on well-known blog platforms. So, if a message in LJ usually ends up in Yandex and Google search results a few hours after posting, then

A stand alone blog for the same fast indexing will take months or even years of promotion on the Web, filling with quality content and some other measures.

In addition, the very creation of a blog stand alone and its work are not free. At a minimum, the site owner will need to regularly pay for the domain name and hosting services.
