How To Make A Portal To The Ender World In Minecraft

How To Make A Portal To The Ender World In Minecraft
How To Make A Portal To The Ender World In Minecraft

One of the last worlds of the popular Minecraft game is Edge. It is there that you can fight in the Dragon of the End and get out in two ways: kill the Dragon or die and be reborn. In order to fight the Dragon, you need to build a portal to the Ender world.

How to make a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft
How to make a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft

In the Minecraft game, you can get into the Edge in 2 ways:

1) build a portal to the Ender world;

2) find the portal Ender World.

How to build a portal to the Ender world

To build a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft, you will need: 12 blocks of the Ender world and the Eye of Ender for each block. Find the blocks in the fortresses. Keep in mind that they have a gray-green hue.

Initially build 3 blocks on all sides of the portal to make a square. Ender's eye must be placed in such a way that his black eye looked into the portal itself. Place the Eye of Ender on all the portal blocks as needed.

Remember that you cannot be on the portal crossing yourself, otherwise you can immediately find yourself in the Ender world. The fact that the space of the portal turns black will indicate that the passage is open. Now check the functioning of the portal: go to the normal world, and then go back to the portal. In the portal, you need to destroy the dragon. To do this, destroy the towers, and then the Ender dragon himself.

How to find a portal to the Ender world

In order to find the portal to the Ender world, you need to use the Eye of Ender, obtained with the help of weapons in the pearly region. Take Ender's eye in your right hand and use the right mouse button. The Eye of Ender should fly towards the portal gate, emitting a purple glow.

You can find out that the portal is nearby when the Eye begins to descend to the ground.

In the portal found, place the Eye of Ender in each block. The portal to the Ender world will immediately open.
