Construction In Minecraft: Castle, Portal To Heaven / Hell, Portal To Ender World

Construction In Minecraft: Castle, Portal To Heaven / Hell, Portal To Ender World
Construction In Minecraft: Castle, Portal To Heaven / Hell, Portal To Ender World

Minecraft is one of the most popular games among gamers of all ages. One of the main actions, without which users will not be able to survive in the world of this game, is construction. A house, a castle, a portal to Paradise, a portal to the Ender world - all these are structures that must be built by any inhabitant of Minecraft.

Construction in Minecraft: castle, portal to Heaven / Hell, portal to Ender World
Construction in Minecraft: castle, portal to Heaven / Hell, portal to Ender World

Construction in Minecraft is necessary because buildings will serve as a fortress for players, a reliable defense that can protect them from other players and mobs (computer enemies).

How to build a castle in Minecraft

In order to build a castle in Minecraft, the character needs to choose a site where he will work. It is most reasonable to choose a flat place, next to which there will be basic resources and materials: wood, stone, etc. Experienced players recommend choosing flat areas on top of rocks and mountains. This arrangement will only make it harder for mobs to get to your house.

For the construction itself, you need to collect a large number of bricks and stone. The player determines the exact number of resources for himself, based on the size of the castle, the number of buildings, etc. If a person cannot decide what form his castle should take in Minecraft, you can focus on the buildings of other players or photographs of real medieval fortresses and bastions.

In order for the castle to stand firmly and for a long time, it is important to dig a hole for the foundation. The deeper and wider it is, the more reliable the structure will be. After the foundation, you need to build walls and a roof. For the former, you can use stone blocks, for the latter, clay.

Do not forget about doors and windows. The gate and entrance can be protected with a wooden structure, and the window openings with grilles. If the character values his safety, he can make loopholes, reinforcing them with steel bars.

The player can design the interior decoration of the castle, focusing on their own tastes and preferences. It would be wise to provide several rooms for the workshop, resources, equipment, etc.

How to build a portal to Heaven / Hell without mods

Paradise is one of the locations in Minecraft. It contains items, resources, mobs, etc. that are inaccessible under normal conditions. To get to this place, the player needs to build a portal. If a gamer does not want to waste time on this, he can use mods. If the character wants to independently build a portal to Paradise, he needs to perform several actions:

  • go to Hell and collect a glowing stone or light dust;
  • find a workbench and create glowing blocks from resources;
  • build a 4x4 rectangle from the material;
  • place water between the flaps.

To build a portal to Hell without mods, you need to do the same steps. Only instead of glowing blocks you need to use obsidian ones, and instead of water - a lighter.

How to build a portal to the Ender world

Ender World is another location worth visiting for Minecraft residents. A powerful Dragon dwells in its vastness. If the character can defeat him, then he will receive an incredible amount of treasures.

You can get to the location through the portal. You can either find it or build it yourself. To find the structure, the player will need the Eye of Ender artifact. The subject will act as a compass in the search for the portal.

To build a portal, the player will need 12 artifacts and the same number of blocks. Having built the same structure as in the previous cases, the character needs to put one Eye on each of the blocks. After that, it remains only to enter the portal. But you should not go to the Ender world unprepared, since it is very difficult to defeat the Dragon.
