How To Make A Portal To Heaven On Your Phone Without Mods In Minecraft

How To Make A Portal To Heaven On Your Phone Without Mods In Minecraft
How To Make A Portal To Heaven On Your Phone Without Mods In Minecraft

Experienced Minecraft players know that the virtual world, which the creators provided the players, is huge and majestic. It will take a lifetime to fully study it. Then numerous modifications come to the rescue. They allow you to gain superpowers, give secret knowledge and simply make life easier for the player.



It is worth noting that this popular game is not limited to just one single world and provides an opportunity to travel to such game spaces as Paradise, space, HELL and the very last level of the Edge or Ender. However, before going to any of these worlds, each player must go through the stage of creating the corresponding portals.

Hell, Heaven, and even more so the Land, is fraught with many dangers, so you should not meddle there with a low level of training or poor uniforms. But when you are sufficiently prepared, get all the best equipment, and get a set of various potions that will allow you to turn into an invincible player, then you can start exploring other worlds. And here you will definitely need information on how to make a portal to pass to Paradise and other locations.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to build an entrance to Paradise in the basic version, since this will require the presence of two special mods - Aether, which is the main one, and therefore mandatory, as well as Minecraft Forge or Pipex. When the mods are downloaded and installed, you can start installing the portal to move to Paradise.

And things like other worlds are doubly dangerous, but you will be rewarded for your exploits if you are careful. In hell and paradise in the game minecraft you can find the most difficult and durable ores that only exist in the game. There is no limit to adventure, quite interesting locations await you ahead, but at the same time, dangerous and mysterious.

How to make a portal to paradise in minecraft

In order to build a normally working portal, not much is needed. First, you need to make sure you have a bucket of water so you don't look for the nearest reservoir later. You will also need a glowing stone, which can only be obtained in HELL. So, before making a passage to Paradise, you will first need to build a gate to HELL.

Further in the inventory or on the workbench, from the resulting dust, you need to make 14 blocks of a glowing stone. In order to build a portal in Minecraft, you need to lay out a frame from the resulting blocks.

Now the portal is almost ready, but for now these are just laid out blocks of a glowing stone and nothing more. In order for the passage to Paradise to work, you need water, which was mentioned earlier. It is necessary to pour water into the opening and when it turns bluish, this will mean that everything is working, and you can go to explore a new world.

It is necessary to go through the bluish section, which appeared after water was splashed onto the frame and the player immediately enters Paradise.

If you expect to use this passage quite often, then it is worthwhile to equip it and make steps, it is best to immediately install it in a convenient place and as close to the house as possible.
