How To Turn On Vpn On A Computer In Opera

How To Turn On Vpn On A Computer In Opera
How To Turn On Vpn On A Computer In Opera

In connection with the growing by leaps and bounds the number of restrictions and bans on visiting a particular resource on the Internet, the topic of using VPN technologies has become especially relevant today. The following are some basic solutions on how to enable the VPN mode in Opera. But for a complete understanding of the issue, it is first worth highlighting several theoretical aspects. Maybe someone doesn’t need such information, but it still doesn’t hurt to get acquainted with it.

How to turn on vpn on a computer in opera
How to turn on vpn on a computer in opera

What is VPN and what is it for? Let's start with the basics. And first, let's figure out what such technologies are. Initially, the abbreviation VPN itself was derived from the English phrase Virtual Private Network, but over time it has acquired a broader meaning. Such technologies are based on the principle of so-called tunneling with encryption of outgoing and incoming traffic (transmitted and received data). When information passes through such a tunnel, it is absolutely impossible to gain access to it from the outside. But today it is not even the protection of information that is a pressing issue. The fact is that vpn in a sense resembles the functioning of anonymizers (anonymous proxy servers), which allow you to hide the true external IP address of the computer from which the request is made to the server, and replace it with another. But if the proxy addresses are constantly changing (dynamic IP), when the VPN is activated, the address can remain constant (static IP) and correspond to the territorial location of the user's computer in a completely different location, which differs from its real location.

Benefits of using VPN

How is it beneficial? And the fact that, having decided the question of how to enable VPN in “Opera” on a PC, you can use all the advantages of such technologies to access prohibited or blocked sites (“Opera” is considered only because it is the first and best browser with a built-in VPN- customer). If we talk about real examples, in this mode of operation, you can easily listen to American Internet radio stations, access to which is open only to those who are geographically located in the United States. In connection with the latest events in Ukraine, when Russian social networks and services Yandex and Mail. Ru, as well as many news sites, were blocked at the state level, the use of VPN allows you to bypass such restrictions. In some countries, even such resources as the popular video hosting YouTube and social networks like Facebook and Twitter are blocked, and the VPN mode allows access to them without problems.


How to enable VPN in Opera after the first launch of the browser?

But so far, all of the above referred exclusively to the theoretical part. It's time to practice. So, the question of how to enable VPN in "Opera" should be considered from the moment of downloading and installing the browser itself. The built-in client is not available in all modifications, but only in the most recent ones. Therefore, you first need to visit the developer's official website (, download the installation distribution of the browser, which has a built-in client, and then install it on your computer.

After the first launch of the browser, the client is in an inactive state, and there are no buttons on the panel to activate this mode. For the first start of the client, you need to enter the settings using the button with the browser logo located at the top left. In the settings window that appears, so as not to search for the desired section for a long time, just enter the abbreviation VPN in the search field on the right. The client is usually shown first in the results. To activate it, simply check the box on the corresponding enable item. You can also go directly to the security section.

How to enable VPN in the Opera browser after the initial activation of the mode

Initial activation completed. And now we can talk about how to enable VPN directly from the main browser panel in Opera, because a corresponding icon has appeared to the left of the address bar. In the active mode, it is blue, in the disconnected mode it is transparent, and at the moment of connection it is colored orange.

Now the question of how to enable VPN or disable this mode in "Opera" comes down only to clicking on the icon, and in the drop-down window that appears, set the switch to the desired position, although the location settings (country selection) can be personalized rather than used auto mode.
