Experienced "minecrafters" know how a chest is created in their favorite game. It is not surprising, because such items are great for storing valuable and not particularly needed resources at a particular moment of gameplay. However, not every Minecraft fan knows that it is also possible to craft ordinary wooden crates here.

"Forest" Minecraft mod and wooden container
This item, unlike the chest, is not available in the "classic" game. In order to get the opportunity to craft boxes in the right amount, the gamer will need special mods. After downloading, any of them will need to be installed in the mods folder, which is in Minecraft Forge.
One of the most popular modifications with this option among gamers is Forestry. True, it only works as an addition to BuildCraft and Industrial Craft and contains additional energy resources for them. It also introduces a ton of new materials and items that players have been able to mine and use in crafting.
Liquid glass, crushed ice, wood pulp, fruit juice, biofuel, about half a dozen varieties of honey, cardboard - these are just a few of several dozen resources available to those who install this mod on their computer. Of course, such a variety of materials need not only be processed, but also stored somewhere. So the ability to craft crates for many of them has been added.
Features of crafting and using crates in Forestry
A similar simple item, like many others, is created on a workbench. Crafting a crate requires wood - in the form of regular blocks, not planks. It is quite easy to get one - you just have to go to the nearest trees (their breed does not matter at all) and chop them with any item in your inventory or even just your hand.
The resulting wood blocks must be installed in the form of a rhombus: in the central cells of the lower and upper horizontal rows of the workbench and in the two extreme slots of the middle one. Further, the crafted box needs to be wetted. To do this, it must be placed in a special window displayed near the machine grid, and above it is a bucket of water.
Several dozen different materials are allowed to be packed in such wooden objects, including bee products, certain types of soil and minerals, fruits, etc. One box holds up to nine units, and to fold many of them there (and this happens in a special grid of three by three cells), you will need a bucket of water. It should be said that even boxes filled with any materials can be easily installed in stacks of 64 pieces.
It's easy to extract their contents. This is done either by right-clicking on them, or through the carpenter - a special type of machine that appeared in Forestry. In any case, the box itself will disappear after such manipulations.
Valuable Pandora's Box
However, not only in Forestry, such items are available for crafting. Any "miner" should try another mod - Pandora's Box. He adds only one novelty to the gameplay - but very original. As the name suggests, this is the famous Pandora's Box.
Unlike the ancient Greek myth, where the opening of such an object led to the arrival of various disasters in the world, in Minecraft everything is not so simple. Here, Pandora's wooden box, created in the game not without the participation of the gamer himself, turns into a kind of box with a surprise. The player will not know in advance what exactly she has prepared for him.
When a mysterious object is opened, any development of the plot is possible - and not only tragic. After such an action, the gamer may receive several health hearts, or he will have several necessary resources in his inventory. However, sometimes a surprise is also unpleasant - for example, when opening a box promises a meeting with evil monsters. However, this is why the addition of such a box is interesting, since it introduces an element of surprise into the gameplay.