Today the World Wide Web has become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Thousands of websites are created every day, where millions of people meet, work, study and make deals. The World Wide Web is a whole world with a clear hierarchy of users and a gateway to this world is your website. It does not matter whether you are the owner of an online store, an information portal or a personal home page, if you have a website, then you are a full member of the Internet community.

It is necessary
- - a computer;
- - high-speed Internet access;
- - knowledge of html and php (not critical, for those who create a free site for the first time, a simple reference with basic tags is enough).
Step 1
Download the latest version of the distribution kit of this CMS from the official Wordpress website. It is this system for creating websites and blogs that is considered the easiest to learn and, at the same time, the most multifunctional. Many professional sites have been created on Wordpress, which are visited by tens of thousands of users every day and think that their owners pay huge money to webmasters to create such portals. In fact, everything is free and extremely simple.
Step 2
Download any video course on creating sites on Wordpress, since there are plenty of them on the net, or find a site that has uploaded online video tutorials on this CMS. Most often, the video covers all the frequently asked questions by newbies that arise when developing free sites.
Step 3
Install Wordpress as shown in the video tutorial. The best option is to install a local server on your computer and experiment on it, and then upload the finished site to the hosting of your choice. To install a local server, download the latest version of Denwer from the official website of the program and follow the installation instructions.
Step 4
After WordPress is successfully installed and the test site is working, you need to think about the topic, think over the structure and clearly answer your questions: "Why do I need a site at all?" and "Am I interested in the chosen topic?" Take this step seriously.
Step 5
Choose a template suitable for the theme of your site and install using the appropriate directory in the WordPress admin panel. Many really high quality templates can be found freely available on numerous WordPress websites.
Step 6
Install the necessary plugins for your purposes. If you are planning to carry out search engine optimization of your site, then you cannot do without SEO plugins, although search engines are very loyal to sites created on Wordpress and quickly index them.
Step 7
Pick a good hosting and transfer your site to it. Since you are creating a free website, then free hosting with PHP, MySQL support and a third-level domain will be enough for you. Later, it would not be superfluous to switch to a second-level domain and paid hosting.
Step 8
Publish only unique content to your site. Update the site as regularly as possible so that search robots feel that the site is "alive" and index it faster.