Today, there are several resources on the Internet that allow each user to create a full-fledged page on the Internet for free. Such site builders have extensive functionality that allows you to adjust many resource parameters in accordance with any requirements. Therefore, such sites are well suited for both beginners and advanced webmasters.

Website builders
Ucoz is one of the most popular resources for creating a full featured business card website or small blog. Control panel controls allow the user to change the design of the page.
Advanced webmasters have the opportunity to use the CSS and HTML code editors that are also available in the interface. If you have experience using the system, you will learn how to insert your own graphics, change the arrangement of elements on pages and create original sites. At the same time, the service is free and does not charge any additional fees from the user.
For beginners in website building, there are ready-made themes and a convenient visual editor that allows you to customize the design right on the screen.
Alternative constructors with similar functionality include Nethouse, WIX or Jimdo. These resources have a simple interface that can be more understandable to the most novice user.
Free hosting
If you already have an idea of the structure and technology of building sites, you can independently fill the resource with the necessary content and write your own code for the site. Free hosting will be a good opportunity to launch sites with low traffic - for example, business card sites or personal blogs with low traffic.
Providers that do not charge hosting fees use other methods to benefit. For example, many hosting providers place their own advertisements on the pages of their clients' websites, thereby offsetting service fees. Sometimes free tariff plans are implemented in companies that have just opened and need to expand their audience.
Among the Russian hosting services, one can note the Hostinger resource, which provides a package of PHP or MySQL services for free, 100 GB of monthly traffic and 2 GB of hard disk space. These requirements will satisfy most of the novice webmasters creating their first sites.
Also popular are,, and Virtual Avenue.
To find a suitable free hosting for yourself, you can use the database resources, which contain data on most hosting companies both in Russia and abroad.
Foreign hosting companies also often provide free accounts on their servers, which, however, may not be fast enough for a Russian site. The reason for the low speed may be the placement of the site on servers that are located far outside Russia, which may be the reason for the decline in the popularity of the resource and the inability of some users to visit your project.