If a user is at least a little guided in the Internet space, and his interests go beyond the email and weather forecast received by the email inbox, then, undoubtedly, he is aware that the publics existing on the Web are different both in nature and in essence …

Site owners and their interests
Who becomes the owner of the sites and who needs it? Of course, there is no definite answer. Here it is much more important for what, for what purpose and in what direction the resource was created. Does this require an impressive financial capital of the interested person? More likely no than yes. What are the sites for and for what purpose they are created by modern users:
a) a certain percentage of sites, when created, pursue the goal of earning their owner (although experts argue that almost any existing or created resource is capable of making a profit and increasing the owner's income, regardless of its focus and purpose);
b) there is a segment of resources that are purely informative in nature and carry an introductory function for the user audience;
c) corporate resources that serve as a kind of "passport" for organizations or institutions of any type;
d) public resources containing communication on the interests of a whole audience of users (these include social networks, service services and youth groups of various topics);
As can be seen from the example of the diversity of the resources of the Network, their directions defy any classification. If we talk about corporate websites and official pages of companies, firms, movements and figures, then this is, as a rule, a source of introductory information, a structured matrix of thematic material and main theses. Such sites are usually official in nature, the style of communication and presentation of information within its framework is predominantly business, restrained and conservative. Such resources are paid for by the companies themselves, sponsors, interested audience, sponsoring partners and others. But in any of these cases, both the creation and promotion of the site imply impressive material costs and the work of a whole team of highly qualified professionals.
Creating your own website is the desire and goal of the user
But after all, no one claimed that only corporate giants or the mighty could become the owner of a website, a public, or any other resource. If knowledge, skills and experience allow, technical issues and subtleties do not become an obstacle, then the creation of a site is within the power of the most ordinary user. Sometimes, these are whole groups of like-minded people and activists who create their own thematic resource with a specific purpose and purpose.
In this case, the budget for the implementation of the project is either small or not provided at all. For whatever reasons, funds are saved to finance the promotion of the created resource, one way or another, there is a way out of this current situation.