How To Pay For The Internet Using A Payment Card

How To Pay For The Internet Using A Payment Card
How To Pay For The Internet Using A Payment Card

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Replenishment of an Internet account using a payment card is the fastest way to pay for communications, wherever you are at the moment - on vacation, at home or on a business trip. You just need to buy one of the cards or get out of the suitcase the one that you took with you on your journey, and then activate it.

How to pay for the Internet using a payment card
How to pay for the Internet using a payment card


  • - computer with Internet access;
  • - payment card.


Step 1

Go to your internet operator's website. Enter your username and password in order to go to your personal account. If you do not have a personal account, then register by creating your own page. Thus, you will be able to pay for Internet services, both through a card and through the electronic payment systems WebMoney and Yandex. Money. If you decide to use one of the last two methods (electronic money transfer), then you need to register in one of the systems.

Step 2

Transfer electronic money to the system from your bank card or through the terminal. Enter your bank card details in the dialog box that the system will give you. If the information entered is correct, money will be withdrawn from your account, and a payment confirmation letter will be sent to the e-mail specified during registration (or to your personal account). Sometimes the money does not come immediately. In this case, do not worry - such delays do happen.

Step 3

Most banks have introduced a convenient Internet banking system for Internet users. In this case, your personal account is automatically registered on the website of the servicing bank. You can pay on the Internet with a plastic card as follows.

Step 4

Go to your account on the bank's website, enter your username and password, as well as the required confirmation codes. Select the Internet payment service from the list of paid services. Fill in the required fields in the form that opens - Internet operator, account number. Click "OK" and wait for payment confirmation.

Step 5

Use a templating system to avoid entering the same data over and over again. Change only the payment amount for subsequent monetary transactions. The rest of the information will be replaced automatically.

Step 6

Buy an internet card of the most convenient denomination. Erase the protective cover, enter a combination of numbers in your personal account on the website of the Internet operator and wait for confirmation of the payment. After a while, the amount will be credited.
