If you decide to reinstall the operating system, but do not want to re-configure various programs and settings, you can copy your user profile, saving it to a separate folder. There are several ways to accomplish this procedure.

Step 1
Create a roaming profile. To do this, go to the main menu "Start" and right-click on the computer icon. Open properties and go to the "Advanced" tab. Click on the "Options" button located in the "User Profiles" area. Select the required profile from the list and change its type to roaming. Click "Ok", close the window and restart your computer.
Step 2
Re-enter the properties of your computer and open the profile settings. Select the required profile and click the "Copy" button. A "folder" window will open, in which you must specify the path to the new directory or click the "Browse" button and navigate to this folder. Click the "Ok" button. Go to the "Allow Usage" section and click on the "Change" button. Provide a username for the copied profile. Go to the copy dialog and click OK. Confirm the copy operation.
Step 3
Update the user profile path. Go to the domain controller and enable the Active Directory command. Navigate to the subsection that contains information about the user account whose profile you copied. Click on it with the right mouse button to go to properties. Select the "Profile" section and mark the path to the new folder. Click the Apply button. Restart your computer for the settings to take effect.
Step 4
Copy the user profile manually. To do this, log on to your computer as an administrator and open the Local Users and Groups snap-in. Disable the user whose profile will be copied and create a new folder for him. Right click on the folder and open properties. Change the permissions to system. Run File Explorer as administrator and copy the user profile to a new folder.