The Yandex Advertising Network will allow owners of high-quality sites to earn money by placing ads on the site's pages. However, not all sites are successfully moderated in Yandex the first time.

The Yandex. Direct advertising network imposes fairly strict requirements on sites and may even reject a site without giving any reason. To increase your chances of getting moderated, you must strictly follow Yandex's rules and requirements.
On which sites you can install the Yandex. Direct ad unit
First of all, it is worth noting that sites are moderated not only by a moderator, but also by a robot that scans the resource for content on prohibited topics. And if the first stage of verification is successful, then the site is sent to the moderator for review.
The Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) does not allow sites with pornographic and offensive content, as well as online casinos, file hosting services, unmoderated forums, sites with malware and viruses. Resources, the content of which misleads people or violates moral and ethical standards, also do not pass moderation. This includes sites about folk healing, magic, dietary supplements, gambling, non-thematic message boards.
To pass moderation in YAN, the site must be hosted on a paid hosting, have Russian-language content and attendance of more than 500 people per day. Therefore, if your site is hosted on the narod, ucoz, holm or chat service, then it will not be accepted in YAN.
Sites under one month old are not accepted into the Yandex Advertising Network. This means that a month should pass after the first indexing of the resource by the search engine.
It makes sense to apply for the site's participation in YAN only if you are ready to deal with the site and follow the requirements of Yandex. Since YAN reserves the right to terminate cooperation at any time if the webmaster fails to comply with the company's requirements.
Reasons for rejecting the site
If the site is hosted on paid hosting, has high traffic, its age is more than a month and it does not contain prohibited content, then this is not a guarantee of successful moderation. There can be any reasons for rejection. The most common reasons are: unattractive design, inconvenient navigation, the presence of a large amount of non-unique content on the site, many third-party advertisements or banners.
The reason for the rejection may be low-quality content, which the moderator considered useless and uninteresting for visitors. If the site was rejected, then the shortcomings should be corrected, and after a month you can try to send a reapplication for its consideration.