Contextual advertising is one of the most effective channels for attracting potential buyers to the site. Therefore, web marketers strive with all possible tools and techniques to improve their advertisements in Yandex. Direct. One of the new tools for increasing efficiency is creating long ad headlines. A long headline makes the ad more informative and noticeable and, according to Yandex, increases its click-through rate.

For advertisers, Yandex. Direct allows you to create ads of a specific structure. Each element of this structure has its own character limitation, for example, the maximum title length is 33 characters, the ad text must be no more than 75 characters, etc. Many people find it very difficult to fit the desired information into 33 characters, so Yandex. Direct now has the function "Substitution of a part of the text in the ad title".
To enable this feature, you need to go to the My campaigns → Options → Advanced settings page. In the drop-down list, you will see the function "Disable substitution of part of the text in the title". If there is no check mark next to the function, then it is active.

Let's move on to creating an ad. Now you can increase the number of characters in the Heading to 56 characters by using characters from the ad text. It happens as follows:
The system analyzes the text of your ad. If the sum of the characters "Heading + First sentence of the ad text" is not more than 56 characters, then the first sentence is transferred to the Heading.
The sum of Title + First sentence = 46 characters, therefore, the ad will look like this in the search:

To make your ad headline long, you start your ad text with a sentence that needs to be added to the headline. The main thing is not to exceed the total limit of 56 characters.
There are a few more tricks to get this done:
- At the end of the "Title" there must be a symbol (period, question mark, exclamation mark, etc.).
- If the "Heading" contains a keyword, then the "First sentence" must not contain it, otherwise it will not be transferred to the heading.