If you want to make your home an ideal place to relax and recuperate after a stressful day, then you should think about some kind of life hacks that will make your home cozy, and also allow you to spend much less time on everyday household tasks than you had to do before. After all, in order to make your home a real fortress, where all your problems will instantly disappear, you need to plan storage methods in it, ways to save time on cleaning and, of course, the principles of decorating the room.

1. Board for small things
This is a fairly popular life hack that creative people often resort to. If you are engaged in some kind of creativity, or in your house there are simply a lot of important little things that you do not want to get rid of at all, then the best way to store everything will be a homemade board for such items. It can be made from scrap materials. To do this, take a wooden cloth (you can buy it, for example, in the discount department of the "IKEA" store), wrap it in a thick cloth (for example, jeans) and sew on the pockets in which all your little things will be stored. For decoration, you can decorate the board with embroidery or decorative beads.

2. Organizer on the kitchen door
There is often not enough space in the kitchen to accommodate all the kitchen utensils. Therefore, many housewives have them in completely different places. All this leads to the fact that at the most important moment, the necessary wooden spoon or cupcake molds disappear from view. If you don't have room for organized storage of kitchen items, then a door is perfect for this. All you need to do is make yourself or buy a wall organizer, carefully attach it and arrange the necessary accessories for your kitchen beautifully. Such a useful and interesting life hack is perfect for small apartments or country houses.

3. Racks and boxes for storing toys
In many families, children throw toys around without knowing how to sort them. But in order to teach a child to organize their things, you need to make yourself or buy ready-made boxes and racks, placing them in a convenient place. Then, together with the baby, it is worth deciding once and for all in which of them will lie, for example, a designer, dolls, books and outdoor toys. This easy way to organize your space will make cleaning your kids' room much easier.

4. Eco-friendly bathroom baskets
Different sized wicker baskets can be used to store towels, showers and cosmetics in the bathroom. Not only is it a sustainable way to organize, it's also a great alternative to cabinets and shelves. This household storage method will save you from having to look for the right cream or shampoo for a long time.

5. Wardrobe racks
The wardrobe counter will not only relieve your wardrobe, but also decorate the interior of your bedroom or living room. You can hang on it either the most beautiful things that will match the decor of the room, or the clothes that you plan to wear during the week. You can also hang bags on the side of the wardrobe rack. In addition, if you want your rack to match the interior, you need to find beautiful hangers in the right color in addition to it.

6. Glasses for writing instruments
Many homes do not have dedicated storage space for writing instruments, which can lead to lost pens and pencils. To organize their storage, you can make glasses from available tools. To do this, you can use plastic cups or cans, which should be wrapped in a beautiful knitted, woolen or any other fabric and decorated with decorative elements.

7. Book corner
If you love to read before bed, then this idea is for you. A small corner shelf for the bedroom will not only be an exquisite addition to the interior, but will also facilitate the search for books.

8. Magnetic board for the kitchen
The magnetic board will allow you to store knives and scissors. And if you still don't have a place to store these essential kitchen utensils, then be sure to find your perfect magnetic board at a home improvement or furniture store.

9. Storage under the window
Usually in houses there is an empty space in front of the window, although in small rooms it is this space that can become additional storage space. Under it you can place a rather long shelf, which can be decorated with books, flowers and paintings. Such a life hack is perfect for the interior of a summer house or cottage.

10. Decorative stairs for flowers
If you have nowhere to put flowers, then a decorative staircase is perfect for this, which will give the room additional comfort, and will also become an unusual piece of your interior.