The Internet was called the World Wide Web for a reason. He penetrated into all spheres of human life and is present not only at home and at work, but also in a cafe at lunchtime and even on vacation. Many people can no longer imagine their life without a virtual network.

If in 1992, when the Internet first appeared, the number of users numbered only one hundred people, today their number is measured in billions. 30% of the world's population uses the Internet every day.
What people do on the Internet
Of course, some people need the Internet for work or study. Here you can find absolutely any information, view newspaper articles, news, statistics. Email and instant messaging programs keep you in touch with customers, colleagues and partners 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
On the Internet, you can make purchases without leaving your home, pay for services, order food and groceries at home.
A huge number of social networks allows people to communicate not only from different cities, but even from different countries. There are networks for classmates, classmates, colleagues. If you prefer photography to communication, there is also a social network for you.
The Internet allows you to save on telephone services, which is especially pleasing if you have friends or relatives abroad. If you have a webcam and a microphone, you can chat all day for free.
The virtual web daily catches new players into its networks, capable of participating in virtual battles, races or performing fantastic quests for days on end.
On the Internet, you can learn a foreign language by listening and memorizing new words. You can practice writing and pronunciation by chatting with native speakers on special sites. The popular postcrossing craze allows you to exchange postcards with people from different countries.
With the help of the Internet, you can make money without leaving your home. Themed blogs, freelance exchanges, online shopping are for some people happily replacing stuffy offices.
The possibilities of the Internet are so wide that it is impossible to list them all in full.
How to avoid becoming addicted to the Internet
Psychologists are sounding the alarm and equating internet addiction with mental illness. If everything starts out quite harmlessly: a person is in touch all the time, wherever he is, then the case can end in suicide in case of a sudden disconnection from the network.
In order not to become an Internet addict, you need to take a break from computers, phones and tablets from time to time. Real life with live communication, meetings and walks is no worse than virtual life.