The Internet affects a person positively only if it is used rationally. Otherwise, the global network turns into a time eater, a dictator imposing his opinion, and a tiresome announcer who overloads his audience with unnecessary information.

The Internet has long ceased to be just a source of information. They make acquaintances online, create communities and even make money. We can say that the network has become a kind of fundamental factor in the formation of a person's personality. After all, it is the Internet that creates idols and changes the worldview.
Social networks as a way to standardize society
The birth of social media was a watershed moment in the development of the internet. It is social networks that have become a kind of standardizing factor, equalizing one size fits all. Trends are born in social media communities, and individuality dies there.
Take the same example with statuses on social media pages. It is not possible to write statuses on your own, sharing your emotions and vision of the world, it is much more popular to do reposts by copying quotes of famous personalities from communities. By the way, often the "personalities" themselves do not know that they are the authors of beautiful words about love, friendship and life in general.
Another, perhaps the main, fact of the influence of social services on the formation of personality is the very existence of accounts on such sites. Almost everyone strives to create a page in one of the popular networks, each has its own goal, but, most often, the goal is only to strive not to get out of society, because everyone has pages, which means I need it too.
Informational overdose
Due to direct access to most information sources, a person today is forced to be oversaturated with information. Our ancestors did not even imagine that an engineer, for example, should understand the varieties of German mayonnaise, and a designer simply must be familiar with the political trends of African countries. Now those who are not aware of the latest news become the subject of sidelong glances from others. But informational overdose is not always useful.
The Internet is like a time eater
The web is not always a helper today. The abundance of services leads to the total laziness of society. And this is a proven fact, because the regulars of the global network spend dozens of hours playing Farm Frenzy or trying to make themselves a stunning avatar through a popular service.
Interestingly, most of these time-wasters have come across articles about the fight against chronophages more than once. But after reading the interesting material, they sighed heavily, felt sorry for themselves and their time, and again sat down to play their favorite game.
Internet browsing
The ability to make money online is a gift of fate for people with disabilities. Yes, those who do not have the opportunity to move closer to the capital, and there is total unemployment in their hometown, have the opportunity to work and earn money. In addition, the money earned online can be spent there, on the Internet, on quite real purchases. Internet commerce can also be called the achievement of a new era, which has a noticeable impact on society. Ordering goods through the network dramatically saves time, and goods that are not massively imported into them literally leak between countries.
The global network connects hearts
Online dating is a twofold entertainment. On the one hand, hundreds or even thousands of single people on dating sites have found their halves. The other side of the coin is numerous deceptions that are based on human feelings. Therefore, the ability to fall in love and make friends online cannot be unequivocally called a positive moment.
From all of the above, we can conclude that the benefits of the Internet are indisputable, but its harmful effect on humans is also obvious. In other words, like any invention of mankind, the Internet has a positive effect on the formation of personality only in capable hands, and uncontrolled and irrational use of the network leads exclusively to negative consequences.