Who among us has not heard in school years that the diary is his calling card. Actually, it is difficult to argue with this even now, only a network diary - a personal blog - comes to mind more and more often. And in order to start your blog, it is desirable, or even necessary, to come up with a nickname. Nicknames are also used in computer games, social networks, forums.

It is necessary
Computer, fantasy and sense of taste
Step 1
A well-chosen nickname is a guarantee that it will be remembered. And what attracts attention and remains in the memory for a long time? That's right, things are either very simple, or original and non-standard. Decorating our nickname, we will bet on it.
Step 2
If you want to follow the path "the simpler the better", then decorate your nickname with capacious content. Keep it short, four or six letters, and carry the maximum information message. Avoid platitudes like "sun" or "bunny". If you do not go far from the topic of animals, then the options "beetle", "mouse", etc. will do.
Step 3
About the originality of the design. You can use a variety of fonts if the capabilities of the site you are registering with allow it. Combine Cyrillic and Latin letters, experiment with lowercase (capital) and uppercase (small) letters. But remember about the measure: for example, “SOLNYFFKO” will not be clear to everyone. Nicknames that are too complex to write are rather annoying, and this does not paint them.
Step 4
Get creative and use symbols before and / or after the nickname - @, #,: -р, ^^, _, $, etc. By the way, symbols can also replace the letter in the nickname - "M @ M @". And the letter "H", for example, is often replaced by "4".
Step 5
A nickname that you have carefully chosen will complement an avatar or a userpic - an image next to it. They can be both consonant and cause surprise in case of inconsistency with each other. Which option is closer to you, decide for yourself, but remember about the moral, ethical and legal boundaries when choosing both.