How To Pay For Hosting

How To Pay For Hosting
How To Pay For Hosting

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If you want to create your own website on the Internet, then you will definitely need to take care of purchasing a hosting. Quite often people have questions related to its payment. Currently, there are several ways to pay for hosting.

How to pay for hosting
How to pay for hosting


Step 1

First you need to apply for hosting. After it is processed, a detailed invoice will be sent to your e-mail box, which contains instructions for payment. You can transfer funds in various ways. Choose the most convenient way.

Step 2

After the invoice is paid, information about the settings of the new account is sent to you. Domain registration is in progress. In most cases, this process takes no more than an hour. Registration is made only after a copy of the document confirming the payment has been received.

Step 3

So, let's move on to a detailed description of hosting payment. First you need to consider cashless payments. To do this, you need to fill out the hosting order form. After the application has been received and processed, an invoice will be sent to you by email. You just need to print this invoice and pay.

Step 4

Payment can be made through branches of the Savings Bank of Russia or through other banks. In this case, you will be sent a link to the completed receipt by e-mail. It is on this page that you can pay for services at the bank. Most people pay for hosting with a credit card. A special link comes to the mail, by which you need to go to the Cyberplat authorization server. The server is running in a protected mode. There you need to enter the card details. Using this method, you get a full guarantee of payment security.

Step 5

Probably the easiest way is to pay for hosting with electronic money. A link will be sent to you by e-mail, by which you need to go to the Assist authorization server. On it you choose a convenient payment system and make a transfer in a secure mode.

Step 6

If you are not satisfied with any of the above methods, then you can pay for hosting directly at the office of the company that provides these services. Payment is made in cash. You need to know the office opening hours in advance.
